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发布时间:2023-10-31 00:46:41

[单项选择]Which of the following words best describes the city government’s attitude towards this request
A. Indifferent.
B. Surprised.
C. Cooperative.
D. Confused.

更多"Which of the following words best d"的相关试题:

Which of the following words best describes the day the speakers had
[单项选择]Which of the following words best describes the father’s opinion about the movie’s storyline()
A. Interesting.
B. Fantastic.
C. Absurd.
D. Exciting.
[单项选择]Which of the following words best describes the relationship between park officials and neighboring landowners
A. Indifferent.
B. Intimate.
C. Cooperative.
D. Disappointing.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes Bill
A. Robust.
B. Brave.
C. Generous.
D. Dangerous.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes Professor Hall’s relationship with his students
A. Controversial.
B. Impersonal.
C. Patronizing.
D. Cooperative.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the elasticities of supply for renewable and non-renewable resources Renewable resource Non-renewable resource()①A. Elastic Perfectly elastic ②B. Perfectly inelastic Perfectly elastic ③C. Inelastic Perfectly inelastic
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the function of the last paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole
A. It summarizes the benefits that may accrue from a perfected system of pathological taxonomy.
B. It provides additional reasons why pathological taxonomy is a difficult endeavor.
C. It argues for a synthesis of two methods of pathological taxonomy already in use.
D. It continues to highlight the differences between two methods of taxonomical pathological taxonomy.
E. It provides information that points to the eventual abandonment of a particular system of pathological taxonomy.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage
A. A common viewpoint is presented, its insufficiency is pointed out and a solution is suggested but qualified.
B. A thesis is presented, and a scientific study is cited in support, then criticized.
C. A question is articulated, two possible solutions are offered, then one is decided upon.
D. A scientific study is explained, its results questioned, and a new thesis is formed.
E. A thesis is articulated, then a scientific study is explained which leads to a new thesis.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the relation-ship between the McLaurin decision and the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision
A. The McLaurin decision superseded the Brown decision.
B. The Brown decision provided a precedent for the McLaurin decision.
C. The Brown decision reversed the McLaurin decision.
D. The McLaurin decision limited the application of the Brown decision.
E. The McLaurin decision provided legal authority for the Brown decision.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes financial reporting and financial statement analysis()
A. Financial reporting refers to how companies show their financial performance and financial analysis refers to using the information to make economic decisions.
B. Financial reporting is performed by investors, creditors, and other interested parties.
C. Financial reports assess a company’ s past performance in order to draw conclusions about the company’s ability to generate cash and profits in the future.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the result of Canadian government’s long-held policy of assimilation ______
A. It won a popular support across the country.
B. It proved to be a great success.
C. It failed in achieving the desired effect.
D. It brought disastrous effect to the Canadian society.
[单项选择]Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the passage
A. To contrast the condition of African-American cinema with that of mainstream cinema
B. To provide an economic explanation for the unpopularity of African-American cinema
C. To criticize the assumptions mainstream audiences allegedly make toward African-American cinema
D. To catalog the attitudes and practices responsible for the unpopularity of African-American cinema
E. To outline the fundamental problem in African-American cinema and its most likely solution
[单项选择]Which of the following statements best describes humor in China
A. It is more or less the same in all parts of the country.
B. It is drastically different in every part of the country.
C. It is distinguished from Hong Kong.
D. It is more a verbal act than a physical act in the north.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements best describes the speaker’s view of ghosts( ).
A. He believes in them even more than Sarah did.
B. The fact that the house is haunted by ghosts makes it special.
C. He does not believe in them, but the fact that Sarah did is important.
D. He does not believe in them, and he thinks that Sarah did not either.


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