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发布时间:2024-09-05 07:51:15


I am running down an alley with a stolen avocado, having climbed over a white brick fence and into the forbidden backyard of a carefully manicured estate at the corner of E1 Dorado and Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills, California. I have snatched a rock-hard Fuerte avocado from one of the three avocado trees near the fence, I have been told that many ferocious dogs patrol the grounds; they are killers, these dogs. I am defying them. They are nowhere to be found, except in my mind, and I’m out and gone and in the alley with their growls directing my imagination. I am running with fear and exhilaration, beginning a period of summer.
Emerging from the shield of the alley I cut out into the open. Summer is about running, and I am running, protected by distance from the dogs. At the corner of Crescent Drive and Lomitas, I spot Bobby Tornitzer on a bike. I shout "Tornitzer!" He turns his head. His bike wobbles. An automobile moving rapidly catches Tornitzer&rsquo
A. joyful action... horrified inaction
B. running... standing
C. being alone... being with others
D. being alone in the open... shivering in the heat

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I am running down an alley with a stolen avocado, having climbed over a white brick fence and into the forbidden backyard of a carefully manicured estate at the corner of E1 Dorado and Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills, California. I have snatched a rock-hard Fuerte avocado from one of the three avocado trees near the fence, I have been told that many ferocious dogs patrol the grounds; they are killers, these dogs. I am defying them. They are nowhere to be found, except in my mind, and I’m out and gone and in the alley with their growls directing my imagination. I am running with fear and exhilaration, beginning a period of summer.
Emerging from the shield of the alley I cut out into the open. Summer is about running, and I am running, protected by distance from the dogs. At the corner of Crescent Drive and Lomitas, I spot Bobby Tornitzer on a bike. I shout "Tornitzer!" He turns his head. His bike wobbles. An automobile moving rapidly catches Tornitzer&rsquo
A. Summer
B. Killer Dogs
C. My Eighth Birthday
D. The Alley

[单项选择]What was said to have been stolen
A. A book.
B. $ 3000.
C. A handbag.
D. A Christmas card.
[单项选择]People whose property is stolen should report to the police().
A. had stolen
B. is being stolen
C. had been stolen
D. has been stolen
[单项选择]When will you be likely to be stolen from
A. When you are walking fast.
B. When you look confused.
C. When you hide your wallet in a pouch underneath clothing.
D. When you are acting with a purpose.
[单项选择]The police were given an order that the stolen documents must he recovered at all
A. accounts
B. conditions
C. payments
D. costs

Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer(锁止器), and a radio signal from a control centre miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.
The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cell-phone, a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS(全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded cell-phone signal will tell the control centre to block the vehicle’s engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.
In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. "The pattern of vehicle crime has changed," says Martyn Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools, but only if the car is more than 10 years
A. To help the police make a surprise attack on the car thief.
B. To allow the car to lock automatically when stolen.
C. To prevent the car thief from restarting it once it stops.
D. To prevent car theft by sending a radio signal to the car owner.

[单项选择] George had stolen some money, but the police had caught him and he had been put in prison. Now his trial was about to begin, and he felt sure that he would be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time. Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the members of the jury at his trial. Of course, he did not tell anybody, but he managed to see his friend secretly one day. He said to him," Jim, I know that the jury will find me guilty of having stolen the money. I cannot hope to be found not guilty of taking it —that would be too much to expect. But I should be grateful to you for the rest of my life if you could persuade the other members of the jury to add a strong recommendation for mercy to their statement that they consider me guilty." "Well, George," answered Jim," I shall certainly try to do what I can for you as an old friend, but of course I cannot promise anything. The other eleven people on the jury look terribly strong-minded to me." George said
A. prove him innocent
B. him turns over a new leaf
C. lighten his punishment
D. him escapes from prison
[单项选择]  Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobiliser (锁止器), and a radio signal from a control centre miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.   The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a micro- processor and memory, and a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. ff the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the control centre to block the vehicle’’s engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.   In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. “The pattern of vehicle crime has changed,” says Martyn Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. But only if the car is more than 10 years old.   Modern cars are f
A. To leave time for the operations centre to give an alarm.
B. To keep police informed of the car’’s movements.
C. To give the driver time to contact the operations centre.
D. To allow for possible errors in the GPS system.


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