Why should anyone buy the latest volume in the ever-expanding Dictionary of National Biography I do not mean that it is bad, as the reviewers will agree. But it will cost you 65 pounds. And have you got the rest of volumes You need the basic 22 plus the largely decennial supplements to bring the total to 31. Of course, it will be answered, public and academic libraries want the new volume. After all, it adds 1,068 lives of people who escaped the net of the original compilers, Yet in 10 years’ time a revised version of the whole caboodle, called the New Dictionary of National Biography, will be published. Its editor, Professor Colin Matthew, tells me that he will have room for about 50,000 lives, some 13,000 more than in the current DN B, This rather puts the 1,068 in Missing Persons in the shade.
When Dr Nicholls wrote to The Spectator in 1989 asking for names of people whom readers had looked up in the DNB and had been disappointed not to find, she says that she re
A. because it is not worth the price.
B. because it has fewer entries than before.
C. unless one has all the volumes in his collection.
D. unless an expanded DNB will come out shortly.
American economists once spoofed
university education as the only industry in which those who consume its product
do not purchase it; those who produce it do not sell it, and those who finance
it do not control it. That apt description, made in the 1970s, has been
undermined since then by the emergence of the first for-profit universities in
the United States. Controlled by entrepreneurs, these schools which number about
700 and counting sell a practical education to career-minded students and make a
good buck doing it. They are now expanding abroad, creating the first
multinational corporations in a sector long suspicious of balance
sheets. The companies are lured by a booming market in which capitalist competition is still scarce. The number of university students is expected to double in the next 25 A. the teaching methods are appropriate to them. B. they provide short-term training programs. C. they can secure them a brighter future. D. they can enable them to get higher salaries. [判断题]《国家电网公司用电信息密钥管理办法》(国网(营销/4)280-2014 )规定,执行根密钥的生成、删除、更新等操作时,无需对根密钥进行完全备份。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《刑法》的规定,下列罪名中单位可以成为犯罪主体的是()。
A.对单位行贿罪 B.私分国有资产罪 C.对有影响力的人行贿罪 D.挪用公款罪 [填空题]
·Look at the table below. It shows employment by activity of eight countries in the year of 2001. ·Which activity does each sentence (11-15) describe ·For each sentence, make one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. ·Do not use any letter more than once.
{{B}}Employment by Activity 2001{{/B}} Among the different activities, employment in this one was the highest in all countries except Portugal.(0% of total workforce) {{B}}Notes:{{/B}} A -- Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing; B -- Community/ Social/Personal; C -- Construction; D -- Electricity, Gas and Water Supply; E -- Finance/Insurance/Real Estate; F -- Manufacturing; G -- Mining/Quarrying; H -- Transport/Storage/Communication. [单选题](86642)铁路货车车型中“SQ”代表( )
A.保温车 B.小汽车双层平车 C.水泥车 D.集装箱平车 [判断题]在带电设备附近测量绝缘电阻时,测量人员和绝缘电阻表安放位置,应选择适当,保持安全距离,以免绝缘电阻表引线或引线支持物触碰带电部分。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有(____)情况下可解除低压供用电合同。
A.用电人被工商行政管理部门依法注销工商登记 B.用电人依法破产可以解除低压供用电合同。这里的用电人只能是企业法人。 C.用电人连续六个月不用电,但申请办理暂停用电手续 D.用电人未交清电费 [单项选择]PTN网络接入超大环为多于()
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8 [单项选择]女性,18岁,一年来渐进性面色苍白、乏力,实验室检查:HGB50g/L,WBC5.0×1012/L,血清铁5.78μmol/L,转铁蛋白饱和度9%,HGBA23.0%,最可能的诊断是()
A. 感染性贫血 B. 海洋性贫血 C. 缺铁性贫血 D. 再生障碍性贫血 E. 溶血性贫血 [单选题]爱因斯坦说:“哲学可以被认为是全部科学之母”。这说明( )
A. 哲学是自然科学的基础 B.。 哲学是对自然科学理论的概括和总结 C. 哲学研究的对象是世界发展的一般规律 D. 哲学对自然科学的研究有指导作用 [单项选择]可较好显示下颌骨髁状突骨折内弯移位的是
A. 曲面断层片 B. 下颌升支侧位片 C. 下颌开口后前位片 D. 经咽侧位片 E. 许勒位片 [单项选择]患者,男,26岁。喘咳3年,每至春天春暖花开时哮喘发作,每伴少量黄稠痰,舌红苔黄,脉弦滑。常与麻黄、杏仁、石膏配伍的药物是()
A. 地龙 B. 全蝎 C. 蜈蚣 D. 白僵蚕 E. 蕲蛇 [判断题]()润滑剂有润滑油、润滑脂和冷水
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无论对错都盲目地拒绝他人的意见和劝告,坚持自己的决定,其意志活动缺乏
A.自觉性 B.果断性 C.坚韧性 D.自制性 E.整体性 [单选题]无人机爬升时,油门较大,螺旋桨左偏力矩较大,需适当操纵方向舵
A.左偏 B.右偏 C.不必干涉 我来回答: 提交