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发布时间:2023-12-08 22:28:17

[填空题]including for shrinking unemployment, expanding factory orders and continued

更多"including for shrinking unemploymen"的相关试题:

[填空题]Technological progress has pushed unemployment rates in the industrial countries to something in excess of 95%.

[单项选择]Passage Two
With unemployment rising and housing costs still high, cities around the country are experiencing a new and sudden wave of homelessness. Shelters are overflowing, and more people this year are sleeping on floors in dingy social service centers, living in cars or spending nights on the streets.
In New York, Boston and other dries, homelessness is at record levels, a consequence of a faltering (摇晃的) economy that has crumbled even further after the Sept. 11 attacks.
A survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors released last week found that requests for emergency shelter in 27 cities had increased an average of 13 percent over last year. The report said the increases were 26 percent in Trenton; 25 percent in Kansas City, Mo.; 22 percent in Chicago; 20 percent in Denver; and 20 percent in New Orleans.
An unusual confluence of fa
A. Unemployment.
B. Housing prices.
C. Sept. 11 attacks.
D. Floods.
[单项选择]In a shrinking economy, consumers are unlikely to continue purchasing luxury goods like hotel stays and travel packages, ______ increasing their spending on them.
A. so much
B. much less
C. no less than
D. more or less
Shrinking Water Supply Poses Threat to Peace

"Water, which is essential for life, costs nothing. On the other hand, diamonds, which are essential for nothing, cost a lot. " Unfortunately, the world has changed considerably since an 18th century economist made this remark.
What was true over 200 years ago is certainly no longer true now. In a number of countries people pay as much for water in their homes as they do for electricity.
Like health, we ignore water when we have it-unless there are floods, of course. Once there is a threat to our water supply, however, water can quickly become the only thing that matters. We know only too well that, without water, there can be no life.
The situation is now becoming so bad that environmentalists feel it many be necessary to shock the world into saving water in a similar way to the shock caused by the oil crises in the 1970’s.
At that time, the oil crisis became such
A. People now pay as much for water as they did 200 years ago.
B. People now pay as little for water as they did 200 years ago.
C. Water now costs as much as it used to.
D. Water now has become more expensive than it was.
[判断题]Unemployment in housing industry and depression in housing market result from social and economic changes.
[单项选择]New claims for unemployment insurance dipped last week, suggesting that companies are laying off fewer workers as the budding economic recovery unfolds. The Labor Department reported on Thursday that for the work week ending April 27, new claims for jobless benefits went down by a seasonally adjusted 10,000 to 418,000, the lowest level since March 23.In another report, orders to U. S. factories rose for the fourth straight month, a solid 0.4 percent rise in March. The figure was largely boosted by stronger demand for unendurable goods, such as food, clothes, paper products and chemicals. Total unendurable goods were up 1.6 percent in March, the biggest increase in two years. Orders also rose for some manufactured goods, including metals, construction machinery, household appliances and defense equipment. The report reinforces the view that the nation’s manufacturers-which sharply cut production and saw hundreds of thousands of jobs evaporate during the recession-are on the comeback tra
A. unemployment
B. growth of production
C. new jobless claims
D. rise of the stocks


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