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发布时间:2024-07-05 04:25:27


That Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture. Since Neolithic times, sculpture has been considered the prerogative of men, partly, perhaps, for purely physical reasons: it was erroneously assumed that women were not suited for the hard manual labor required in sculpting stone, carving wood, or working in metal. It has been only during the twentieth century that women sculptors have been recognized as major artists, and it has been in the United States, especially since the decades of the fifties and sixties, that women sculptors have shown the greatest originality and creative power. Their rise to prominence parallels the development of sculpture itself in the United States: while there had been a few talented sculptors in the United States before the 1940’s, it was only after 1945 — when New
A. Architectural construction
B. Landscape
C. Modern city
D. Religion

更多"That Louise Nevelson is believed by"的相关试题:

[单项选择]That Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture. Since Neolithic times, sculpture has been considered the prerogative of men, partly, perhaps, for purely physical reasons: it was erroneously assumed that women were not suited for the hard manual labor required in sculpting stone, carving wood, or working in metal. It has been only during the twentieth century that women sculptors have been recognized as major artists, and it has been in the United States, especially since the decades of the fifties and sixties, that women sculptors have shown the greatest originality and creative power. Their rise to prominence parallels the development of sculpture itself in the United States: while there had been a few talented sculptors in the United States before the 1940’s, it was only after 1945 — when New York was rapidly b
A. assignments.
B. assumptions.
C. connotations.
D. collections.
[单项选择]That Louis Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor (雕刻家) is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture. Since Neolithic (新石器时代的) times, sculpture has been considered the privilege of men, partly, perhaps, for purely physical reasons: it was faultily assumed that women were not suited for the hard manual labor required in sculpting stone, carving wood, or working in metal. It has been only during the twentieth-century that women sculptors have been recognized as major artists, and it has been in the United States, especially since the decades of the fifties and sixties, that women sculptors have shown the greatest originality and creative power. Their rise to prominence (声望) parallels the development of sculpture itself in the United Sates: while there had been a few talented sculptors in the United States before the 1940’s, it was only after 1945-when New York wa
A. won their first award in international competitions
B. exceeded their male counterparts in the field
C. were acknowledged as a powerful branch in the field
D. were admired for their female perspectives in arts

(46) That Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture. Since Neolithic times, sculpture has been considered the prerogative of men, partly, perhaps, for purely physical reasons: it was erroneously assumed that women were not suited for the hard manual labor required in sculpting stone, carving wood, or working in metal. (47)It has been only during the twentieth century that women sculptors have been recognized as major artists, and it has been in the United States, especially since the decades of the fifties and sixties, that women sculptors have shown the greatest originality and creative power. Their rise to prominence parallels the development of sculpture itself in the United States: (48)while there had been a few talented sculptors in the United States before the 1940’s, it was onl


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