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发布时间:2023-11-15 04:15:07

[单项选择]The population of California (more than) doubled (during the. period 1940-1960, creating problems in road-building and (provide. water for its arid (southern section).
A. more than
B. during the
C. provide
D. southern section

更多"The population of California (more "的相关试题:

[填空题]California has more than two thousand (47) of plants that are not found anywhere else. A new study says climate change could severely (48) these plants by the end of the century. Many could move northward and toward the Pacific coast in reaction to rising temperatures and (49) in rainfall. Others might climb up mountains to find the cooler climates they like.
But David Akeley at the University of California, Berkeley, says the (50) of climate change is greater than during ice ages in the past. He says plants that cannot move fast enough are in (51) of getting killed off before they can relocate. Changes in plants could also affect animals that depend on the plants for food.
About forty percent of all (52) plants in California are endemic, meaning that they are found only in that state. The new study says that for two out of three endemic plants, the areas where they are found could (53) by more
[填空题]More than a quarter of the world adult population is still unable to read and write. They are called (S1)________. A worldwide (S2)_______ to change this situation has been launched by the United Nations, and the year 1990 has been (S3)_______ as International Literacy Year. The message from the United Nations is that illiteracy must be ended for both the individual and Third World development. Illiteracy is not only a problem of the developing countries. Adults in western nations are often too ashamed to (S4)_______ Therefore, they are unable to go to classes to (S5)_______ The success of International Literacy Year will depend largely on the political will of governments to (S6)_______ Women make up (S7)_______ of the world’s adult illiterates. More schools are needed in (S8)_______ But one of the biggest tasks now facing international organizations is how to (S9)_______ that learning to read and write will (S10)_______.S2


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