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发布时间:2023-11-16 20:45:09


Suzan Fellman had a hard time with Laura Bush’s redo of the famed guest quarters named for President Lincoln: "Looking at it, I thought I was in a Radisson lobby somewhere in the Midwest long ago. I could not imagine spending a night in that space."
Done up with Victorian furnishings, the Lincoln Bedroom is one of the residence’s least-changed spaces, said Betty Monkman, formerly chief curator of the White House for nearly 40 years. "It’s a quasi-museum room," she said, "with a lot of objects, such as the bed, that have symbolic importance."
The elaborately carved bed bought for Lincoln is the centerpiece of the room.
According to historian William Scale, the president was furious that his wife, Mary, spent so much money redecorating the White House during a time of war. He never slept in the bed, and the ornate piece eventually was moved to a spare room.
Los Angeles designer Fellman saw parallels, ca
A. evaluated
B. imagined
C. understood
D. praised

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Suzan Fellman had a hard time with Laura Bush’s redo of the famed guest quarters named for President Lincoln: "Looking at it, I thought I was in a Radisson lobby somewhere in the Midwest long ago. I could not imagine spending a night in that space."
Done up with Victorian furnishings, the Lincoln Bedroom is one of the residence’s least-changed spaces, said Betty Monkman, formerly chief curator of the White House for nearly 40 years. "It’s a quasi-museum room," she said, "with a lot of objects, such as the bed, that have symbolic importance."
The elaborately carved bed bought for Lincoln is the centerpiece of the room.
According to historian William Scale, the president was furious that his wife, Mary, spent so much money redecorating the White House during a time of war. He never slept in the bed, and the ornate piece eventually was moved to a spare room.
Los Angeles designer Fellman saw parallels, ca
A. the president to have a rest
B. visitors to stay overnight
C. storing Victorian furnishings
D. exhibiting classic objects

[单项选择]A. Because they had had a hard time finding a parking lot.
B. Because the park was closed before they reached there.
C. Because they had jammed into a crowded parking lot there.
D. Because the park was crowded with too many people.
[单项选择]Man: I had a hard time getting through this novel.
Woman: I share your feeling. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters
Question: What does the woman imply( ).
A. She has learned a lot from the novel.
B. She also found the plot difficult to follow.
C. She usually has difficulty remembering names.
D. She can recall the names of most characters in the novel.
[单项选择]M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.
W: I share your feeling. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters
Question: What does the woman imply
A. She has learned a lot from the novel.
B. She also found the plot difficult to follow.
C. She usually has difficulty remembering names.
D. She can recall the names of most characters in the novel

W:Mike sure was surprised that he had a hard time assembling his new bike.
M:Well,that’s to be expected with no instruction manual.

What does the man imply()
A. Anyone would have difficulty without directions.
B. It was surprising that store didn’t provide with a manual.
C. Mike expected the bike to be assembled at the store.
D. Mike couldn’t understand the instruction.
[单项选择]City residents have a hard time trying to avoid contact with hazardous chemicals in daily life.( )
A. dangerous
B. prevalent
C. novel
D. invasive
[单项选择]In winter, animals have a hard time________ anything to eat.
A. to find
B. to finding
C. to find out
D. finding
[单项选择]The ______ of time had left the castle ______, it towered above the village, looking much as it must have done in Richard the Lion-Hearted’s time.
A. repairs...destroyed
B. remoteness...alone
C. lack...defended
D. status...lonely
E. ravages...untouched

[单项选择]  By the time we had completed our preparations, the sky was beginning to grow rapidly lighter, although the sun was not yet above the horizon. We waited unpatiently, hardly daring to move or to whisper to one another. Suddenly, we heard the quick beating of wings and one of the birds we were looking for flew up from the valley beyond. He flied straight to the tree and settled on a thin branch, stripped bare of leaves, which grew diagonally upwards from the main trunk. Immediately he began to clean himself, combing with his beak the long soft feathers which grew from beneath his wings and extended past his tail in a glorious red cloud. Charles’’s camera, on a trial run, sounded unexcepted loud, but the bird took no notice and continued with his cleaning until at last he drew himself up and shook himself. Then, head held high, he called a single, loud, sharp note which resounded over the valley. He seemed in no hurry to begin his dance, as he continued to call for a quarter of an hour.
A. they settled down with the male
B. the male drove one of them off
C. they make unmusical cries like the male
D. they lost interest in the male


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