As Dr Samuel Johnson said in a
different era about ladies preaching, the surprising thing about computers is
not that they think less well than a man, but that they think at all. The early
electronic computer did not have much going for it except a marvelous memory and
some good math skills. But today the best models can be wired up to learn by
experience, follow an argument, ask proper questions and write poetry and music.
They can also carry on somewhat puzzling conversations. Computers imitate life. As computers get more complex, the imitation gets better. Finally, the line between the original and the copy becomes unclear. In another 15 years or so, we will see the computer as a new form of life. The opinion seems ridiculous because, for one thing, computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures. But drives A. quickness of decision making B. drives and sentiment C. development of reasoning power D. information storage [单项选择]( ) is written by Samuel Richardson.
A. The Dunciad B. Pastorals C. The History of Sir Charles Grandison D. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling [填空题]Mr. Tom Brown
[单项选择]A. Miss Brown is not qualified. B. Miss Brown is right.
C. It is a well-paid job. D. It is her first job. [单项选择] The Attitude For Computers
As Dr. Samuel Johnson said in a different era about ladies preaching, the surprising thing about computers is not that they think less well than a man, but that they think at all. The early electronic computer did not have much going for it except a marvelous memory and some good math skills. But today the best models can be wired up to learn by experience, follow an argument, ask proper questions and write poetry and music. They can also carry on somewhat puzzling conversations.
Computers imitate life. As computers get more complete, the imitation gets better. Finally, the line between the original and the copy becomes unclear. In another 15 years or so, we will see the computer as a new form of life.
The opinion seems ridiculous because, for one thing, computers lack the drives and emotions of living creatures. But drives can be programmed into the computer’’s brain just as nature programmed them into our human brains
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned 我来回答: 提交