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发布时间:2024-02-12 20:28:29

[填空题]The company where we visited the day before yesterday is not far from here.

更多"The company where we visited the da"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I bought () useful dictionary () day before yesterday.
A. an; /
B. an; the
C. a; the
[单项选择]() before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful time together.
A. Had they arrived
B. Would they arrive
C. Were they arriving
D. Were they to arrive
[单项选择]______before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A. Had they arrived
B. Would they arrive
C. Were they arriving
D. Were they to arrive
[单项选择]Before we can decide where to buy our materials, we require as much information as we can get on the suppliers.
A. 我们需要从各供应商处得到足够的信息,之后才能决定从何处购买材料。
B. 在决定从何处购买材料之前,我们需要各供应商给我们尽可能多的信息。
C. 我们可以先决定在哪里购买材料,然后再从卖方那里找出所有的相关信息。
D. 在决定从何处购买材料之前,我们需要收集尽可能多的关于各供应商的信息。

M:Where shall we eat dinner tonight Shall we try that new italian restau rant
W:I can’t eat anything. I feel terrible. My head aches.
M:You must be sick .You might have the flu. A headache is one sign of the flu.
W:I don’t know any doctors here.
M:I have a good doctor, I can make an appointment for you.

What do we learn from the man’s reply()
A. He insists that the woman should go to the dinner
B. He can do something about the woman’s headache
C. He is indifferent to the woman
D. He is very much concerned about the woman
[填空题]Life on earth depends on the sun. Day after day we see its light and feel its (36) , but we do not often know or (37) the birth or the beginning of their (38) . Yet there are amount of (39) things about the sun. One is its distance from the earth. This is about ninety-three (40) miles. It is to us, a long distance. A (41) of this distance, even if it could be made, would take (42) hundred years even in the (43) rocket.
The sun makes us feel heat, even at a distance of ninety-three million miles. This is not surprising. (44) . But we receive only a small part of this heat. The total heat of the sun could melt a column of ice two and a quarter miles thick and ninety-three million miles high in one second.
The brightness of the sun is equally astonishing. As we said earlier, we receive only a very small part of the sun’s heat. (45) This is sufficient for the growth of t


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