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发布时间:2024-03-20 18:25:31


Conversation 2
M:I’m wondering if it is going to be fine this afternoon.
W:So what
M:The sports meet!It’s scheduled at 2:00.but the fog!You can only see within a short distance.
W:But don’t you see the wind is beginning to lift it up I bet it will be fine this afternoon.
M:Don’t be so sure.
W:You have heard (8)the forecast this morning, haven’t you
M:No.That’s why I worry.
W:Why don’t you try (10)121, the 24-hour telephone weather forecast service
M:Gee!How come I haven’ t thought about it! I’ll do it right away.
Announcer:Now the weather report for today and tomorrow.It’s foggy in the morning and (9)it’ll be clear and fine this afternoon.Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.Today, the high will be 12 degrees.Tomorrow the low will be 6 degrees.Thanks for listening.
W:What did it say
A. The weather.
B. The latest weather forecast for today.
C. The sports meet.
D. The items he has been preparing for the sports meet.

更多"Conversation 2 8-10 M:I’m"的相关试题:


Conversation 2
M:I’m wondering if it is going to be fine this afternoon.
W:So what
M:The sports meet!It’s scheduled at 2:00.but the fog!You can only see within a short distance.
W:But don’t you see the wind is beginning to lift it up I bet it will be fine this afternoon.
M:Don’t be so sure.
W:You have heard (8)the forecast this morning, haven’t you
M:No.That’s why I worry.
W:Why don’t you try (10)121, the 24-hour telephone weather forecast service
M:Gee!How come I haven’ t thought about it! I’ll do it right away.
Announcer:Now the weather report for today and tomorrow.It’s foggy in the morning and (9)it’ll be clear and fine this afternoon.Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.Today, the high will be 12 degrees.Tomorrow the low will be 6 degrees.Thanks for listening.
W:What did it say
A. It’ll be warm.
B. It’ll continue to be foggy.
C. It’ll be stormy.
D. It’ll clear up.


Conversation 2
M: I hear you and James are engaged at last.
W: Yes, we are.
M: When are you getting married
W: In the spring.
M: That’ s wonderful, where’ s the wedding going to be
W: We’re not sure yet. Perhaps in St. Albans.
M: Oh, yes. I remembered your parents live there, don’t they
W: Yes, that’ s right.
M: Where are you going to live
W: We’ re going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London.

When is she getting married ()
A. In the summer.
B. In the spring.
C. In the winter.
D. In the autumn.

Conversation 1
M: I’d like to book a flight ticket for New York, please.
W: New York. When
M: Next Friday, September 5th.
W: All right. Do you want a single ticket or a return one
M: A return one, please.
W: Would you like to leave it open
M: Yes, please. How much is it
W: $4,956.
M: Here is the money.
W: Here is the ticket, thanks.

When is the man leaving for New York ()
A. This Friday.
B. This weekend.
C. September 5th.
D. September 15th.

Conversation 1
M: What can I do for you
W: Yes, I would like to place an order.
M: Alright, Ma’am. What items would you like to order today
W: All right. (6)I want to order the satin sheets on page 34.
M: And what size and color would you like
W: I need one full set of sheets in King-size and Ivory.
M: So that is product number MS3419. Size: King. Color: Ivory. Is that correct
W: Yes, I think so.
M: All right. With shipping charges, (7)your total will be 78 dollars and 95 cents. Will you be paying in cash
W: Yes.
M: All right, Ma’am. I will run that charge for you. And then I will get your address in a moment.

What does the woman want to buy ()
A. Abook. 
B. Ivory. 
C. Sheets. 
D. AShip.

Conversation 1
M: Excuse me, (6)I’d like to go to the Science Museum, but I don’t know how to use this ticket machine.
W: Well, just press this button. It’s two dollars.
M: Thanks.
W: The train is coming soon. Please wait a moment.
M: All right. How often do the trains come at this time of the day
W: (7)Usually they come about every six minutes.
M: Okay, where should I get off
W: Just get offat the Science Museum. That’s five stops from here.
M: I’ve got it. Thanks for your help.
W: You’re welcome.

Where does the man want to go()
A. To the Science Museum.
B. To the History Museum.
C. To the Art Museum.
D. To the Space Museum.
[单项选择]Speaker A: I was wondering if I could take four courses next semester.
Speaker B: ( ) We already have such a heavy course load.
A. Come on. Four is better than three.
B. Why don’t you choose three instead of four
C. Dare you try to take four
D. Don’t you believe four courses are OK

Conversation 2
M: How much are the carnations and the roses
W: One dollar for each carnation and (9)one and a half for each red rose.
M: (9)Then I’d like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses.
W: I bet it’s for your mother, (8)as it’s Mother’s Day today.
M: Well, not completely true. (8)It happens to be her birthday.
W: Oh, really I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnations from you.
M: Yeah, she will. She really likes flowers. So I buy her some every year. I’d just wish they would stay fresh longer than they do.
W: (10)Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water. They’ll stay fresh for days.
M: Really I’ll tell my mother. And thanks for your suggestion.
W: That’s all right. Happy birthday to your mother!

What day is it today ()
A. Birthday of the man’s mother.
B. Mother’s Day.
C. Mother’s Day and the birthday of the man’s mother.
D. Mother’s Day and the lady’s birthday.

Conversation 2
M: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.
W: (8)I have worked as an executive secretary for 5 years, (10)first for a trading company, then a trust company.
M: How fast can you type
W: (9)I can type 100 Chinese words per minute and 150 English words a minute.
M: Can you operate computers skillfully
W: Yes, I can. I have received some special training in computers. Besides I am good at operating common office machines like fax.
M: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that
W: Could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime
M: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It’s not unusual.
W: That’s all right.

How long has the woman worked ()
A. 15. 
B. 10. 
C. 5. 
D. 2.

Conversation 1
M:Where are you living now, Maw
W:We are living on Main Street.
M:Do you like your new house
W:Yes, we do.At first, we meant to buy a one-story house.
M:Do you mean you are now living in a (6)two-story house
W:Yes.And we prefer that way.
M:Do you have a nice yard
W:Of course.Although it is not very big, we have enough room for flowers.
M:You enjoy gardening.don’t you
W:Yes, I do. And my husband does, too.We like to have (7)roses (8)in the yard.

Where do they grow them ()
A. In a small yard.
B. In a big garden.
C. On the roof.
D. In the greenhouse.


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