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发布时间:2024-07-05 18:59:45

[填空题]________________________ (沟通能力)is a very important social skill that contributes to success.

更多"________________________ (沟通能力)is a"的相关试题:

[填空题]________________________ (沟通能力)is a very important social skill that contributes to success.
[单项选择]A. The matter is very important. B. I’m very busy.
C. The food is terrible. D. I fell down the steps just now.
[单项选择] Using Land Wisely A very important world problem—in fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face US at the present time—is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources. It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. It works out to be about 1. 6 per cent per annual net increase. In terms of numbers this means something like forty to fifty-five million additional people every year. Canada has a population of twenty million-rather less than six months’’ climb in world population. Take Australia. There are ten million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population. Let the US take our own crowded country -England and Wales: forty -five to fifty million people—just about a year’’s supply. By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 12
A. Y
B. N
[多项选择]Nowadays the telephone plays a very important role in our life. It makes our life more convenient. How- ever, it has its disadvantages.
You are to write an essay of approximately 400 words on both the positive and negative effects of the telephone on modem life. Support your ideas with reasons and examples.
In the first part of your letter you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
[简答题]Obligations to our parents are very important. 2. Sometimes, obligations to parents cause people much distress. 3. We’d better find a way which can make ourselves happy while pleasing our parents at the same time.
[单项选择]  Packaging is a very important form of advertising. A package can sometimes motivate people to buy products. For example, a small child might ask for a breakfast food contained in a box with a picture of a TV character. The child is more interested in the picture than in breakfast food. Pictures for children to color or cut out, games printed on a package, or a small gift inside a box also motivate many children to buy products ― or to ask their parents to buy for them.   Some packages suggest that a buyer will get something for nothing. Food products sold in reusable containers are examples of this. Although a similar product in a plain container might cost less, people often prefer to buy the product in a reusable glass or dish, because they believe the container is free. However, the cost of the container is added to the cost of the product.   The size of a package also motivates a buyer. Maybe the package has" Economy Size" or" Family Size” printed on it. This suggests that the
A. a buyer will not get what he pays for
B. a buyer will get more than what he pays for
C. a buyer will get something useful free of charge
D. a buyer will get more but pay less


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