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发布时间:2023-10-23 18:36:39

[单项选择]1In the recent three months, Hong Kong’’s unemployment rate has
A. increased slowly.
B. decreased gradually.
C. stayed steady.
D. become unpredictable.

更多"1In the recent three months, Hong K"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the recent three months, Hong Kong’s unemployment rate has ______.In the recent three months, Hong Kong’s unemployment rate has ______.
A. increased slowly
B. decreased gradually
C. stayed steadily
D. become unpredictable
[填空题]Hong Kong has three English tests for its high school graduates: Syllabus A, Syllabus B and the AS (advanced supplementary) level. According to Hong Kong Examinations Authority, the Certificates of Education English Language Examination offers Syllabus A and B for two different groups of candidates, with Syllabus B higher in standard than Syllabus A. Regarding Syllabus A and B, "The overall aim of the examination is to assess candidates’ achievement for English language (Secondary) prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and recommended for use in schools by the Education Department. " (1999 Hong Kong Examination Authority Annual Subject Report: 196) Whereas the AS level aims to foster the development of students’ English language skills in order to equip them for higher education and employment. (1999 Hong Kong Examination Authority Annual Subject Report: 501) Given the two distinct goals, the AS level, a proficiency test for the college entrance examination in Hong Kong, is fa

HONG KONG—Hong Kong’s red flag was raised into sky Sunday as the former British colony marked the 10th anniversary of its handover to China and bid farewell to a rocky decade of financial woes (灾难,忧患), disease outbreaks and economic recovery.
A few hundred people stood near Hong Kong’s harbor to watch the ceremony attended by dignitaries (显贵人物). The crowd erupted with cheers when four helicopters carrying flags of China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region flew over the area.
"We’re here to celebrate Hong Kong’s birthday," said 12-year-old Jenny Kwok.
Since Hong Kong returned to China, the city has been governed under a "One Country, Two Systems" formula. The arrangement has allowed the territory to keep its capitalist economy, British-style legal system, free press and civil liberties, and Beijing has honored its promise to let Hong Kong enjoy a wide-degree of autonomy.

Hong Kong was used to be
A. the former Portuguese colony
B. the former British colony
C. the former American colony
D. the former Japanese colony
[单项选择]Passage Two
Hong Kong is a city inclined toward red; in Thailand the color is yellow; India leans toward reds and oranges. These are not political colors, but colors that suggest religious beliefs.
To an Asian colors are full of beliefs, religious and otherwise. To the Chinese, red is very lucky, but to Thais yellow brings good fortune. The combination of blue, black, and white is, to the Chinese, suggestive of a funeral.
Many Western businessmen believe that most Asians have become Westernized(西方化) in their outlook. This is true in part. But Westernization and education do not usually completely replace the culture and beliefs of an Asian’s forefathers. They tend instead to make a more sophisticated combination of his culture and religious bonds. The approach required to sell an Asian any commodity must follow the basic formula of cater
A. Colors Communicate
B. Green and Purple: A Sign of Religious Leadership
C. An Expensive Lesson in Malaysia
D. The Westernization of Asia
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