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发布时间:2024-07-20 00:58:01


Halfway through " The Rebel Sell," the authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not, in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But"a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earthworm" : given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark corner of the barn. Only about 15% of "free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.
This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that" the counterculture, "in all its attempts to be su
A. the imposition of overbearing companies
B. the very nature of arms race
C. the ignorance of some stupid workers
D. the desire to keep up with the Jones

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Halfway through " The Rebel Sell," the authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not, in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But"a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earthworm" : given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark corner of the barn. Only about 15% of "free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.
This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that" the counterculture, "in all its attempts to be su
A. introduce the topic of anti-consumerism
B. draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm
C. stress the fact that chickens don’t actually want much space
D. point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice


Halfway through" The Rebel Sell," the authors pause to make fun of" free-range" chicken. Paying over the odds to ensure that dinner was not, in a previous life, confined to tiny cages is all well and good. But" a free-range chicken is about as plausible as a sun-loving earth-worm": given a choice, chickens prefer to curl up in a nice dark corner of the barn. Only about 15% of" free-range" chickens actually use the space available to them.
This is just one case in which Joseph Heath, who teaches philosophy at the University of Toronto, and Andrew Potter, a journalist and researcher based in Montreal, find fault with well-meaning but, in their view, ultimately naive consumers who hope to distance themselves from consumerism by buying their shoes from Mother Jones magazine instead of Nike. Mr Heath and Mr Potter argue that" the counterculture," in all its attempts to be subversive, has done nothing more than create new segmen
A. introduce the topic of anti-consumerism.
B. draw a comparison between chicken and earthworm.
C. stress the fact that chickens don’t actually want much space.
D. point out that chickens, like human, should have a choice.


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