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发布时间:2024-01-06 21:35:14


The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat. The campaign was launched as a way to strengthen efforts for protecting the world’s only flying mammal. These creatures can be found in many parts of the world. Bats live in cities, deserts, grasslands and forests. There are over 1,200 bat species.
The smallest bat in the world is from Southeast Asia. This kind of bat measures about 30 millimeters in length. The world’s largest bat, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of 1.5 meters. Most bats eat insects, but many feed on fruit or nectar from flowers.
Many people think bats are blind, but this is not true. Many species have very good sight. Most bats communicate and find their way by making "echolocation" (回声定位法) noises. They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them. So, while bats may travel in total darkness, they "see&q
A. are beneficial animals
B. are close to extinction
C. have been misunderstood
D. are under serious threat

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The United Nations declared 2011 to 2012 the Year of the Bat. The campaign was launched as a way to strengthen efforts for protecting the world’s only flying mammal. These creatures can be found in many parts of the world. Bats live in cities, deserts, grasslands and forests. There are over 1,200 bat species.
The smallest bat in the world is from Southeast Asia. This kind of bat measures about 30 millimeters in length. The world’s largest bat, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of 1.5 meters. Most bats eat insects, but many feed on fruit or nectar from flowers.
Many people think bats are blind, but this is not true. Many species have very good sight. Most bats communicate and find their way by making "echolocation" (回声定位法) noises. They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them. So, while bats may travel in total darkness, they "see&q
A. their eye sight is extremely sharp
B. they can fly without using their sight
C. they don’t have eye sight in daytime
D. they are very familiar with their environment


The United Nations declared last Friday that Somalia’s famine is over. But the official declaration means little to the millions of Somalis who are still hungry and waiting for their crops to grow.
Ken Menkhaus, professor of political science at Davidson College, said it was profoundly disappointing to be discussing another Somali famine, after he worked in the country during the 1991—1992 one. Each famine, he said, has distinct characteristics, and this one unfolded in slow motion over the past couple of years. That’s at least partly because the Somali diaspora sent money home that delayed the worst effects.
Menkhaus was among four experts on Somalia and famine who spoke at the Radcliffe Gym Monday evening, who gathered for the event, "Sound the Horn: Famine in the Horn of Africa. " Paul Farmer, Kolokotrones University Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, drew on his experience treating malnourished people in Haiti, where he
A. it received less international aid
B. worst effects came more slowly
C. it caught more attention from the world
D. it lasted longer despite help from the UN

[单项选择]Which year was designated by the United Nations as the International Illiteracy Year’
A. 1991.
B. 1990.
C. I992.
D. 1993.

The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was {{U}} (36) {{/U}} used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when {{U}} (37) {{/U}} of 26 nations pledged their governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers.
The {{U}} (38) {{/U}} of the United Nations was the League of Nations, ,an {{U}} (39) {{/U}} conceived in similar circumstances during the First World War, and established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles "to {{U}} (40) {{/U}} international cooperation and to achieve peace and security".
The International Labor Organization was also {{U}} (41) {{/U}} under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated {{U}} (42) {{/U}} of the League. The League of Nations {{U}} (43) {{/U}} its activities after failing to prevent the Second World War.
{{U}} (44) {{/U}} . Those delegates deliberated on the basis of propo


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