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发布时间:2024-07-05 22:20:34

[单项选择]Since the mid-1970s, when it became clear that the number of births was resolutely declining, Japanese governments have made efforts to encourage people to have more babies. But for all that they have increased child benefits and provided day-care centres in the past 30 years, the birth rate has remained stubbornly low. One reason is that in Japan, unlike in the West, marriage is still more or less a prerequisite for having children. Only 2% of births take place out of wedlock. And weddings cost a lot of money. The more elaborate sort may involve renting a chocolate-box "church" and hiring or buying at least three bridal outfits.
Having gone to all that trouble, married couples do, in fact, have an average of slightly more than two children, just above what is needed for births to exceed deaths. The trouble is that fewer and fewer people get married. Women wait ever longer and increasingly do not bother at all. According to the NIPSSR, six out of ten women in their mi
A. disapproving
B. enthusiastic
C. contemptuous
D. worried

更多"Since the mid-1970s, when it became"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Since the mid-1970s, when it became clear that the number of births was resolutely declining, Japanese governments have made efforts to encourage people to have more babies. But for all that they have increased child benefits and provided day-care centres in the past 30 years, the birth rate has remained stubbornly low. One reason is that in Japan, unlike in the West, marriage is still more or less a prerequisite for having children. Only 2% of births take place out of wedlock. And weddings cost a lot of money. The more elaborate sort may involve renting a chocolate-box "church" and hiring or buying at least three bridal outfits.
Having gone to all that trouble, married couples do, in fact, have an average of slightly more than two children, just above what is needed for births to exceed deaths. The trouble is that fewer and fewer people get married. Women wait ever longer and increasingly do not bother at all. According to the NIPSSR, six out of ten women in their mi
A. premise
B. requirement
C. restriction
D. result
[填空题]The room became completely dark when the candle _____ out.
[简答题]He became a soldier when he was twenty. (simple sentence)
[单项选择]In 1979 it became clear that the amendment would not go into effect, and that the new government would ( ) not continue to support it.
A. nevertheless
B. hitherto
C. otherwise
D. therefore
[单项选择]Since the nineteenth century became the twentieth, Black bands were being heard more and more on the streets of New Orleans. Included in the crowd of listeners who followed them were black youngsters such as Louis Armstrong. Soon there were white bands trying to copy this Black style of playing.( )
A. Since
B. were being heard
C. Included in the crowd
D. were
[填空题]Since when does curiosity begin to lessen in intensity and extent but improve in quality

[单项选择]Since 1875, when Alexander Graham Bell first discovered how to send the human voice along wires, the telephone has been one of the world’s most utilized and essential methods of communication. The first telephone exchange in America was established in 1878 and served a total of 21 people. At that time, operators would answer a call and connect two parties by completing an electrical circuit. Little could those operators envision that, one century later, calls would be transmitted along optical fibers and, soon after, would become totally wireless and portable. The idea of orbiting satellites picking up millions of calls and relaying them across the planet would have been unimaginable.
It can be inferred from the passage that
A. satellites transmit telephone calls
B. early telephone users were frustrated by the technology’s inefficiencies
C. wireless telephones are preferable to land-based lines
How old was she when she became famous
When I became president of the University of Michigan, affirmative action in higher education was under siege. Buoyed by a successful lawsuit against the University of Texas law school’s admission policy and by ballot initiatives such as California’s Proposition 209, which outlawed race as a factor in college admissions, the opponents set their sights on affirmative-action programs at college across the country.
The rumor that Michigan would be the next target in this campaign turned out to be correct. I believed strongly that we had no choice but to mount the best legal defense ever for diversity in higher education and take special efforts to explain this complex issue, in simple and direct language, to the American public. There are many mispereeptions about how race and ethnieity are considered in college admissions. Competitive colleges and universi
A. Affirmative action was under siege.
B. Diversity is essential.
C. More points should be given to the black.
D. Admission policy should be reformed.


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