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发布时间:2023-11-25 01:00:53

[简答题]{{B}} Passage 3{{/B}} Let me illustrate that. As China grows world class companies and these go out into international markets, many are attracted to Britain. We now have over 170 mainland Chinese companies operating profitably and successfully in Britain, and many more from Hong Kong. Our trade and investment support organization, UK Trade & Investment, operating in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, assisted many of these companies in their new venture and have contributed to their success. Investment in Britain from China is growing quickly. Lenovo, Huawei, China Digital Display are among the companies which have established their lead operations for Europe in Britain. // We offer an open and successful economy. We are the world’s fifth largest trading nation, and probably the most international in orientation—so a great place for Chinese companies wishing to develop international competitiveness. We are the second largest investor overseas. We are the leading European invest

更多"{{B}} Passage 3{{/B}} Let me il"的相关试题:

{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read any book they wanted to without first checking its contents Would you take your children to see any film without first finding out whether it is suitable for them If your answer to these questions is "yes", then you are either extremely permissive. If your answer is "no", then you are exercising your right as a parent to protect your children from what you consider to be undesirable influences. In other words, by acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.
Now, of course, you will say that it is one thing to exercise censorship where children are concerned and quite another to do the same for adults. Children need protection and it is the parents’ responsibility to provide it
A. let their children read any books they like to
B. not let their children see any films they like to
C. not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
D. let their children see the films with their first checking
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

Let me speak first to parents. You are the ones who plant, or fail to plant, the seeds of character in your children. Try from the beginning to put into your children’s minds the capacity to feel shame by letting them know that, just as there are actions for which they can win praise, so there are others — lying, cheating, stealing — that are unacceptable and for which they will be punished.
As parents, you are not alone in your efforts to form character. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach accountability and strengthen it with pressure of equals. Churches are also strong helpers.
I remember clearly an event from my childhood. In our church’s Sunday-school playroom was a set of little lead cowboys and Indians. One day, I took one of them home, and that night my brothe
A. Parents are very important in helping form the children’s character.
B. One can have more than one way to shape character.
C. Punishment should be carried out quickly.
D. The author ran a mile and a half to avoid the shower of scoldings.
Passage 1
Let us assume, for the moment, that labor m not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead, through strikes or otherwise, to a withdrawal from the labor market of labor which is now employed. Does it follow from this that the existing level of real wages accurately measures the marginal disutility of labor Not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of labor, it does not follow that a fall in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if it were due to a rise in the price of the latter. In other words, it may be the case that within a certain range the demand of labor is for a minimum money-wage and not for a minimum real wage. The classical school has tacitly assumed that this would
A. Labor would stipulate for money-wages.
B. Labor would violently resist a reduction of real wages.
C. Labor would strenuously resist a reduction of both money-wages and real wages.
D. Labor would stipulate for real wages.


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