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发布时间:2024-07-13 07:59:28

[填空题]In the past few years, parents have paid more attention to the needs of their children. They are given better {{U}} (11) {{/U}} and education is no longer reserved for a few. With so many children now able to go to college, many educators feel that we have {{U}} (12) {{/U}} students and too few chances for them to get the {{U}} (13) {{/U}} study. Some say that the children are getting more and more freedom from their parents and the {{U}} (14) {{/U}} The tendency today is for teachers and parents to emphasize individual responsibility and to know the educational {{U}} (15) {{/U}} for each child.

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[填空题]In the past few years, parents have paid more attention to the needs of their children. They are given better {{U}} (11) {{/U}} and education is no longer reserved for a few. With so many children now able to go to college, many educators feel that we have {{U}} (12) {{/U}} students and too few chances for them to get the {{U}} (13) {{/U}} study. Some say that the children are getting more and more freedom from their parents and the {{U}} (14) {{/U}} The tendency today is for teachers and parents to emphasize individual responsibility and to know the educational {{U}} (15) {{/U}} for each child.
[填空题]Parents have struggled for years to encourage children to go to bed on time. In Scotland, however, all the families should be enjoying sweet dreams in the future,as pupils are to be given lessons in how to sleep. The charity Sleep Scotland is providing classes free of charge in a pilot scheme at three schools in Glasgow in an attempt to (47) problems caused by a lack of sleep.
Glasgow city council estimates that as many as one in four teenagers are not getting the (48) nine hours of sleep a night,and said there was " (49) evidence" suggesting a (50) between lack of sleep and obesity, lower academic achievement and depression. The classes will be offered as workshops for groups of 20 secondary school pupils, with an after-school (51) for parents and staff advising how to support teenagers to get good sleep. Cameron said just two classes could (52) advise pupils on how to (53) their sleeping habits for the better.<
[单项选择]In the past few decades, remarkable findings have been made in ethnology, the study of animal social behavior. Earlier scientists had (61) that nonhuman social life was almost totally instinctive or fixed by genetics. Much more careful observation has shown that (62) variation occurs among the social ties of most species, showing that learning is a part of social life. That is, the (63) are not solely fixed by the genes. (64) , the learning that occurs is often at an early age in a process that is called imprinting. Imprinting is clearly (65) instinctive, but it is not quite like the learning of humans; it is something in between the two. An illustration best (66) the nature of imprinting. Once, biologists thought that ducklings followed the mother duck because of instincts. Now we know that, shortly (67) they hatch, ducklings fix (68) any object about the size of a duck and will henceforth follow it. So ducklings may follow a ba
A. fashioned
B. modified
C. influenced
D. affected


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