发布时间:2024-03-13 19:33:09

[简答题]Wearing a seat belt saves lives;it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.

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[简答题]Wearing a seat belt saves lives;it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
[单项选择]Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it decreases the chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
A. 系上安全带可以挽救生命,可以使死亡或严重受伤的机率减少一半以上。
B. 系上安全带能保证安全,它会减少一半以上的死亡或严重受伤的机会。
C. 戴上安全带可以救助许多人的生命,自然也使你免于重伤或死亡。
D. 系安全带能拯救生命,死亡或严重受伤的可能性会少到一半。
[单项选择]Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ( ).
A. reduces road accidents by more than half
B. saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour
C. reduces the death rate in traffic accident
D. saves more than 15,000 lives each year
[填空题](fasten)()your seat-belt, please!
[单项选择]Why wasn’t the young lady wearing her seat-belt
A. She wasn’t able to make it fit her.
B. She wasn’t able to fasten it.
C. She was told not to fasten it.
D. It was unnecessary to wear the seat-belt.
[简答题]· Following complaints from the employees, your Chief Executive asked you to write a proposal introducing flexible working hours.
· Write a proposal for the Chief Executive
· summarising the present situation
· pointing out why complaints have been made
· presenting how your proposal might affect staff.
[单项选择]If you could give anything in the world to your child, you might want to give a love of words. Young children who can express their feelings don’t have as many temper tantrums (发脾). They also learn to control themselves using words. A two-year-old child reaches toward the oven
(烤箱) door, then stops, tells herself, "Hot, hot," and turns away. Researchers call this "self-directed speech". It’s one of the ways children learn to do what’s right and not to do what’s wrong.
With each new word, a child gains a broader view of the world. Early on, all four-legged anize-brasmals are dogs or maybe cats. But new words change them into horses, cows, elephants, and zebras. Children who have a wealth of words have a wealth of ideas.
By age four, the number of words a child understands tells us how easily that a child will learn to read in school. It even tells us how well she’ll be able to understand what she reads, and to ex press her ideas in writing later on.
So, how
[填空题]If you want a seat, get your ticket sever days before you travel.
[填空题](Fast)()your seat belts.
Your friend lives in another city and came to visit you last Sunday, but due to some reason you were not at home. Write a note expressing your regrets on having missed seeing him or her.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the note. Use "Li Ming" instead.


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