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发布时间:2024-06-04 05:43:32

[单项选择] How Exercise Makes You Smarter
Exercise does more than build muscles and help prevent heart disease. New science shows that it also boosts brainpower--and may offer hope in the battle against Alzheimer(痴呆症).
The stereotype of the "dumb jock" has never sounded right to Charles Hillman. A jock himself, he plays hockey four times a week, but when he isn’t body-checking his opponents on the ice, he’s giving his mind a comparable workout in his neuroscience and kinesiology lab at the University of Illinois. Recently he started wondering if there was a vital and overlooked link between brawn and brains--if long hours at the gym could somehow build up not just muscles, but minds. With colleagues, he started an experiment. He rounded up 259 Illinois third and fifth graders, measured their body-mass index and put them through classic PE routines: the "sit-and-reach", a brisk run and timed push-ups and sit-ups. Then he checked their p
A. Exercise can keep students healthy.
B. Exercise can improve students’ brainpower.
C. Exercise can prevent students from disease.
D. Exercise can help students build muscles.

更多"How Exercise Makes You Smarter E"的相关试题:

[单项选择] How Exercise Makes You Smarter
Exercise does more than build muscles and help prevent heart disease. New science shows that it also boosts brainpower--and may offer hope in the battle against Alzheimer(痴呆症).
The stereotype of the "dumb jock" has never sounded right to Charles Hillman. A jock himself, he plays hockey four times a week, but when he isn’t body-checking his opponents on the ice, he’s giving his mind a comparable workout in his neuroscience and kinesiology lab at the University of Illinois. Recently he started wondering if there was a vital and overlooked link between brawn and brains--if long hours at the gym could somehow build up not just muscles, but minds. With colleagues, he started an experiment. He rounded up 259 Illinois third and fifth graders, measured their body-mass index and put them through classic PE routines: the "sit-and-reach", a brisk run and timed push-ups and sit-ups. Then he checked their p
A. It can build muscles.
B. It can prevent heart disease.
C. It can keep people healthy.
D. It can improve brainpower.
[单项选择]Woman: How are you doing since you retired four months ago
Man: I thought it would be wonderful to be retired. I have looked forward to this day for years, but now I’m considering volunteering.
Question: What does the man feel about his retired days
A. He thinks they are better than four months ago.
B. He feels that they are as good as he expected.
C. He feels bored with them.
D. He can’t enjoy them better.
[填空题]how long does it take you to fall asleep after taking the medicine
In about ______.
[填空题]How does the service remind you of the important dates By sending me __________
[单项选择]"How does Jerry make you upset" is a non-therapeutic communication technique because it( )
A. Gives a literal response
B. Indicates an external source of the emotion
C. Interprets what the client is saying
D. Is just another stereotyped comment
[填空题]People may ask how’ you define success. This is more difficult. Success is relative; not everybody wants to put together a four-billion-dollar company, or become President of the United States, or win the Nobel Peace Prize. It is usually a mistake to begin with such great ambitions, which tend to sink into lazy daydreams.
The best way to succeed is to begin with a reasonably realistic goal and attain it, rather than aiming at something so far beyond your reach that you are bound to fail. It’s also important to make a habit of succeeding, and the easiest way to start is to succeed in something, however small, every day, gradually increasing the level of your ambitions and achievements like a runner in training, who begins with short distances and works up to Olympic levels.
Try to think of success as a journey, an adventure, not a specific destination. Your goal may change during the course of that journey, and your original ambitions may be replaced by different, larger o


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