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发布时间:2023-12-16 19:08:00

[多项选择]Meaning is conveyed not only by words but also by nonverbal communication systems, including ______.
A. kinesics
B. eye contact
C. proxemics
D. clothing

更多"Meaning is conveyed not only by wor"的相关试题:

[填空题]Change the position of three words only in the sentence below in order for it to make complete sense.
Because housing is necessary for everyone, the problem of providing adequate individuals
has long been a concern, not only of shelter but also of governments.

[单项选择]In terms of the meaning expressed by words, they can be classified into ().
A. grammatical words and lexical words
B. content words and lexical words
C. grammatical words and function words
[填空题]At what point is meaning extracted from the words in a text The reader is supposed to carry out the processes required to understand each word and its relationship to previous words in the sentence as soon as that word is encountered; this is known as the ______.
[多项选择]The words pejorative in meaning in Chinese but positive in English are ______.
A. communism
B. sexy
C. ambitious
D. propaganda
[单项选择]The following words are pejorative in meaning in English EXCEPT ( ).
A. old
B. dog
C. comrade
D. peasant
[填空题]Though having little lexical meaning, ______ words have strong grammatical meaning.
[单项选择]Words ______ meaning, as we all know.
A. convince
B. convey
C. contribute
D. conquer
[填空题]· is not only statistical but also interesting
[填空题]Not only humans but also wildlife faces the crisis of water shortage.
[填空题]Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will____________(受益于) the new training facilities.

[填空题]Air pollution exists not only outdoor, but also indoor. It has great effects on people, and there are many measures taken to correct the problem.
Ⅰ. Effects of air pollution
1) Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in different ways.
Some individuals are more (1) ______ to pollutants.
-- Young children and elderly people suffer more.
-- People with (2) ______ suffer more.
2) The extent of air pollution effects on individuals depends on (3) ______ to the damaging chemicals.
3) Short-term effects
-- (4) to the eyes, nose and throat
-- upper respiratory infections
-- headaches, nausea, and allergic reactions
4) Long-term effects
-- chronic respiratory disease
-- lung cancer
-- heart disease
-- damage to the brain, nerves, lives or kidneys
Ⅱ. Measure taken to control air pollution
1) The first step: as


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