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发布时间:2023-11-15 18:35:23

[填空题]At the end of my junior year of high school,I heard about ______ (一项旨在使女孩对工科产生兴趣的暑期项目).

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[填空题]At the end of my junior year of high school, I heard about ______________ (一项旨在使女孩对工科产生兴趣的暑期项目).

[判断题]John went to Junior School at the age of five.

Laura, who was in first-year high, had gone to the same public school that her brothers now attended, but this year she was a pupil at Green Valley Academy, a small country day school on the outskirts of the city.
They knew Laura was smart, of course, but some of the other Baltimore private schools for girls were excellent and had lower tuitions, and even the public high schools were all right. Lots of nice kids, whose fathers had twice as big an income as Henry Wade, went to them.
You either spoiled her or made her bitter. These arguments were cogent, Emily Wade admitted, but they simply didn’t apply in Laura’s case.
Moreover, it was Emily’s theory that children learned love as well as discipline by family example; if you did all you could for them, keeping their best interests in mind, they wouldn’t let you down in a crisis.
How true that had been, tho

[单项选择]The high school which my daughter studies in is______our university.
A. linked by
B. relevant to
C. mingled with
D. affiliated with
[单项选择]I began to smoke when I was in high school. My parents didn’t care much, They both smoked, and my older brother did, too. In school, the teachers talked against smoking, but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful, and the women were well, they were beautiful and sophisticated.
I read a book called how to stop smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. Ten years later, everyone began to hear about file negative effects of cigarette smoke: lung disease, cancer, and heart problems. After that, there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes.
Then two events made me think of giving up smoking. First, I started to cough. I thought it was just a cold, but it didn’t get better. Second, my brother got lung cancer. He got sicker and sicker. My brother and I used to smoke cigarettes together over twenty years age, and we smoked our last cigarettes together the day b
A. He started to cough.
B. He got lung cancer.
C. He tried to give up smoking but failed.
D. He regretted smoking in high school.
I began to smoke when I was in high school. My parents didn’t care much, They both smoked, and my older brother did, too. In school, the teachers talked against smoking, but the cigarette advertisements were so exciting. The men in the ads were so good-looking and so successful, and the women were well, they were beautiful and sophisticated.
I read a book called how to stop smoking. The writer said that smoking wastes time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. Ten years later, everyone began to hear about file negative effects of cigarette smoke: lung disease, cancer, and heart problems. After that, there was a health warning on every pack of cigarettes.
Then two events made me think of giving up smoking. First, I started to cough. I thought it was just a cold, but it didn’t get better. Second, my brother got lung cancer. He got s
A. Both man and woman can smoke.
B. Smoking is dangerous.
C. Smoking has no negative effects on people’s health.
D. Smoking is the symbol of successful people.


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