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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:03:36

[简答题]Two elderly men from Wiltshire County claimed in 1991 that they were ______ the crop circles, but the debate still rages today.

更多"Two elderly men from Wiltshire Coun"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Two officers on patrol became ( ) of two men in a car.
A. generous
B. suspicious
C. appreciative
D. tolerant
[简答题]Two men batter each other to pulp in the boxing ring.
[填空题]Who informed the police that he saw two men with heavy bags

Why did the two men’s friendship stop Because of ______.
[简答题]Two men are battering each other to pulp in the boxing ring.
[填空题]Which one of the two men could speak English

W: Who were those two men you were talking to
M: They own a shopping center.
W: A shopping center Where is it
M: It’s that new one down on the Peninsula, about ten miles from here.
W: Oh yes, I’ve heard about it.
M: They’d like to have someone open another restaurant in the center.
W: You’re not thinking of moving the restaurant again, are you
M: No, I’m thinking about opening a branch.
W: I’ve heard that business is quite good there.
M: Those men did a study of the number of people who pass through the center each day, and the result was good.
W: Well, why don’t we look into it
M: But do you think we’ll have enough time to manage another branch
W: We could get George and Jane to manage it.
M: Do you think they have enough experience
W: They’re old enough. And we’ve trained them like your parents trained
A. Being employed by the two men.
B. Opening a branch in the center.
C. Passing their management to George and Jane.


Long long ago, there were two men who had a very fierce quarrel. They argued for a long time, but still they couldn’t settle the problem. The incident occurred one morning outside Albert Schweitzer’s hospital in the African jungle. A patient who lived in the hospital had gone fishing in another man’s boat without permission. He succeeded in getting a tot of fish. Finding out what the patient had done, the owner of the boat thought that he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr. Schweitzer said to the boat owner:
"You are right because the other man ought to have asked permission to use your boat. But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy. Though you have the boat, you don’t make good use of it. You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening. it with a padlock. Of laziness you are guilty because you were asleep in your hut on this moonlit night instead of making use of the good opportunity
A. all the fish should go to the patient.
B. the fish should go to the owner of the canoe.
C. the fish should be destroyed.
D. everyone involved should get a third of the fish.

[填空题]The two men who Melissa caught were found guilty of ______.
[填空题]What were the two men’ s bags full of

The two men have been very intimate and reliable friends throughout their lives.

A motorist saw two men walking along lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once in formed the police. That morning the police had broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of two thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail - bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police all the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion - sellers and their bags were full of onions ! Apologizing for their mistake, the police set the men free immediately.

Who informed the police that he saw two men with heavy bags ()


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