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发布时间:2023-10-08 05:12:40

[单项选择]Business people abroad who want to make connections with Chinese companies can take the first step using a new Internet site our firm established recently.
A. contacts
B. joints
C. acquaintance
D. linking

更多"Business people abroad who want to "的相关试题:

Conversational Skills

People who usually make us feel comfortable in conversations are good talkers. And they have something in common, i.e. skills to put people at ease.
1. Skill to ask questions
1) be aware of the human nature: readiness to answer others’ questions regardless of (1)
2) start a conversation with some personal but unharmful questions
e.g. questions about one’s (2)
questions about one’s activities in the (3)
3) be able to spot signals for further talk
2. Skill to (4) for answers
1) don’t shift from subject to subject
-- sticking to the same subject: (5) in conversation
2) listen to (6) of voice
-- If people sound unenthusiastic, then change subject.
3) use eyes and ears
-- steady your gaze while listening
3. Skill to laugh
Effects of laughter:
-- (7)
-- help start (8) <
[单项选择]When young people who want to be journalists ask me what subject they should study after leaving school, I tell them: "Anything except journalism or media studies." Most veterans of my trade would say the same. It is practical advice. For obvious reasons, newspaper editors like to employ people who can bring something other than a knowledge of the media to the party that we call our work.
On The Daily Telegraph, for example, the editor of London Spy is a theologian by academic training. The obituaries editor is a philosopher. The editor of our student magazine, Juice, studied physics. As for myself, I read history, ancient and modern, at the taxpayer’s expense.
I am not sure what Charles Clarke, the Education Secretary, would make of all this. If I understand him correctly, he would think that the public money spent on teaching this huge range of disciplines to the staff of The Daily Telegraph was pretty much wasted. The only academic course of which he would wholeheartedly a
A. philosophy as an academic discipline in college should be canceled
B. physics should be the topmost choice of disciplines for prospective journalists
C. the Daily Telegraph is poorly staffed and needs rearrangement
D. there is no reason for the state to pay for subjects of higher education


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