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发布时间:2024-07-11 01:03:30

[填空题]Workers aged 25 34 usually have more employment experience than workers aged 16 24.

更多"Workers aged 25 34 usually have mor"的相关试题:

[填空题]Workers aged 25-34 usually have more employment experience than workers aged 16-24.

[填空题]Workers aged 25 to 34 usually have more employment experience than workers aged 16 to 24.

The British usually have more opportunities to see their country than foreign visitors.
[填空题]Why do more middle-aged adults have to take care of their aging parents Because people are living ( ).

People usually use more words to sound more polite.
[填空题]More media advertising options have more impact on the creative challenge.

[单项选择]National Parks have more and more visitors each year. In the last ten years the number of campers using the camp sites has more than doubled. Camping as a family vacation has suddenly become extremely popular in America. It is a cheap way to travel; its simple pleasures are a pleasant change from hectic urban life; and it can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
In car trunks or in racks on top of cars, families load a tent, sleeping bags, inflatable mattresses, cooking pans and eating utensils, and an ice chest for storing food. When they arrive at a camping ground they find a cleared space in which to pitch their tent, a fireplace for cooking, and usually a picnic table and benches--water and firewood nearby. By evening they are settled under the stars, the campsite around them dotted with lights from cooking fires and lanterns hung from trees.
Vacations are not all in resorts or in the wilderness. Swarms of vacationing Americans visit New York and Washington each year. They
A. National Parks provide camp sites.
B. Camping is a cheap way to travel.
C. Camping makes city people have a change.
D. People of all ages enjoy campin
[单项选择]Two middle-aged sisters have been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease. The children of these clients want to know what their chances are of developing this genetic disorder. The nurse’s best response would be.()
A. "Only women become symptomatic. "
B. "This disorder is an autosomal dominant disorder, so each child has a 50% chance of inheriting it. "
C. "This disorder is an autosomal recessive disorder, so each child has a 25% chance of inheriting it. "
D. "Women are symptomatic and men are carriers of this disorder. "
[判断题]Women have more fat cells so women have less water.
[单项选择]Some countries are more populous; some have more crime. But in no other country are crime fighters quite so knowledgeable about citizens as in Britain. On January 4th a boastful Home Office detailed the triumphs of the world’s biggest forensic DNA database, which holds samples from more than 5% of the entire population of England and Wales. Recent changes to the rules governing the database mean that it may eventually hold profiles from more than a fifth of all adults.
Once a country starts storing DNA samples from criminals it is hard to resist the urge to expand the collection. When the National DNA Database (NDNAD) was set up in 1995, samples could only be taken from those charged with "recordable" offences. If a suspect was not tried, or was freed, the sample had to be destroyed and the profile removed from the database.
That law was abandoned in 2001 , after two men who had been convicted of murder and rape had their cases overturned on appeal -the DNA evidence against t
A. DNA evidence should be used more widely.
B. John Swain defended the man successfully by DNA technology.
C. DNA tests are too sensitive to be reliable.
D. The defendant left his fingerprint on the weapon of the robbery.


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