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发布时间:2023-11-07 10:14:30

[单项选择]The client is to receive an IV infusion of 3000 mL of dextrose and normal saline solution over 24 hours. The nurse observes that the rate is 150mL/hour. If the solution runs continuously at this rate, the infusion will be completed in()
A. 12 hours.
B. 20 hours.
C. 24 hours.
D. 50 hours.

更多"The client is to receive an IV infu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A client is receiving an IV infusion of dextrose 5% in water and lactated Ringer’s solution at 125 mL/hr to treat a fluid volume deficit. Which of these signs indicates a need for additional IV fluids()
A. Serum sodium level of 125 mEq/L.
B. Temperature of 99.6 °F(37.6℃).
C. Neck vein distention.
D. Dark amber urine.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a client undergoing IV antibiotic therapy with gentamicin sulfate. Which of the following interventions is most important()
A. Infuse the medication quickly to minimize its irritating effect on the walls of blood vessels.
B. Obtain renal function tests, such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels, throughout the course of therapy.
C. Assess for pulmonary and peripheral edema.
D. Obtain an order for an antiemetic to counteract the common adverse effect of nausea.
[单项选择]The physician has ordered the client to receive digoxin (Lanoxicaps) twice per day until a therapeutic level is attained. When the nurse takes the client’s apical pulse on the 3rd day, the pulse is 58, and the client complains of nausea. What should the nurse do next()
A. Administer the medication and leave a note on the chart for the physician.
B. Order a serum digoxin level to be drawn.
C. Administer the medication and medicate the client for nausea.
D. Withhold the medication and notify the physician.
[单项选择]A client is prescribed Gentamycin (Garamycin) IV to treat infection. It is important to monitor the client for the development of which of the following side effects from the medication()
A. Ascites.
B. Confusion.
C. Ototoxicity.
D. Cardiac dysrhythmias.
[单项选择]A client is prescribed 1000 mL of an antibiotic solution to be given over 6 hours. What would be the flow rate The infusion set administers 15 gtts/mL.( )
A. 28 gtts/min.
B. 35 gtts/min.
C. 42 gtts/min.
D. 45 gtts/min.
[单项选择]A client has a boggy uterus during stage IV of her delivery. Four hours postpartum, the nurse is preparing to administer methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) 0.2mg PO as prescribed every 6 hours. The client’s vital signs are; temperature, 100.4°F (38℃); pulse, 60 beats/minute; respirations, 14 breaths/minute; blood pressure, 140/90mmHg. Which is the most appropriate intervention
A. Immediately administer the drug.
B. Administer the drug and call the physician.
C. Administer the drug and recheek vital signs.
D. Don’t administer the drug.
[单项选择]50%葡萄糖溶液40ml IV qd,执行时间是( )。
A. 每日上午8时
B. 每日晚上8时
C. 隔日上午8时
D. 隔日晚上8时
E. 每日中午12时
[单项选择]患儿,1岁半,腹泻,医生开医嘱:5%葡萄糖40ml iv qd,正确的执行时间是
A. 每日上午8时
B. 每日晚上8时
C. 隔日上午8时
D. 每日上午8时,下午4时各一次
E. 每日睡前一次
A. 认真执行三查七对、检查溶液是否合格
B. 止血带结扎在穿刺点6cm以上
C. 选择粗、直、有弹性的末梢血管穿刺
D. 选用5%的碘伏消毒皮肤
E. 穿刺时针梗与皮肤成30°~40°
A. 检查药物是否合要求
B. 选择合适的注射器
C. 准备无菌治疗盘
D. 评估病人是否合作
E. 认真核对医嘱
A. 注射后再次核对药物,观察病人有无不适
B. 注射后快速拔出针头
C. 嘱病人横向按压皮肤进针点
D. 嘱病人纵向按压血管进针点
E. 嘱病人按压血管5min
A. 固定注射针头
B. 注射时速度可以稍快
C. 使病人保持舒适位置,观察病人有无不适
D. 注射前应排尽注射器内空气
E. 推注前再次核对
[单项选择]A 2 ml B 1~2ml C 2~5ml D 1 ml E 1~5ml重金属检查适宜的浓度范围是相当于标准铅溶液
[单项选择]A 2 ml B 1~2ml C 2~5ml D 1 ml E 1~5ml铁盐检查适宜的浓度范围是相当于标准铁溶液
[单项选择]A 2 ml B 1~2ml C 2~5ml D 1 ml E 1~5ml磷酸盐金属检查适宜的浓度范围是相当于标准硫酸钾溶液


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