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发布时间:2023-12-20 07:02:19

[单项选择]The nurse is developing a plan to teach a mother how to reduce her baby’s risk of developing otitis media. Which of the following directions should the nurse include in the teaching plan()
A. Administer antibiotics whenever the baby has a cold.
B. Place the baby in an upright position when giving a bottle.
C. Avoid getting the ears wet while bathing or swimming.
D. Clean the external ear canal daily.

更多"The nurse is developing a plan to t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse teach the mother of a child with leukemia who has an absolute neutrophil count of 900/mm3()
A. The child should wear gloves when in contact with others.
B. The child should stay away from crowds of people.
C. The child should eat raw fruits and vegetables.
D. Anyone in direct contact with the child must wear a gown and mask.
[单项选择]When developing a teaching plan for the mother of a child diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy, which of the following descriptions would the nurse include( )
A. Wide-based gait and poor muscle coordination.
B. Tremors and lack of active movement.
C. Increased muscle tone and stretch reflexes.
D. Slow, wormlike writhing movements.
[单项选择]The nurse should plan to include which of the following interventions in the plan of care for a child admitted to the hospital with a medical diagnosis of febrile seizure()
A. Keep the child supine.
B. Place the child in respiratory isolation and restrict visitors.
C. Keep the room temperature low and bedclothes to a minimum.
D. Place a padded tongue blade at the bedside.
[单项选择]The nurse would teach the client to implement which of the following nasal care measures after the nasal packing is removed()
A. Irrigate the nares with normal saline solution daily.
B. Remove old blood from inside the nares with cotton-tipped applicators.
C. Avoid cleaning the nares for at least 2 days.
D. For comfort lubricate the membranes with a water-soluble lubricant.
[单项选择]The nurse discusses discharge plan with the parents of a child following a sickle cell crisis. Which of the following would the nurse emphasize the need to seek prompt health care()
A. Headaches and nausea.
B. Fatigue and lassitude.
C. Skin rash and itching.
D. Sore throat and fever.
[单项选择]The nurse plans to teach a client who is receiving radiation therapy how to care for his skin at home. Which of the following should be included in the nurse’s instructions
A. "Apply a heating pad to the area to relieve pain. "
B. "Keep the area covered when you go outdoors. "
C. "You may use deodorant soap if you wish to cleanse the area. "
D. "Put baby oil on the area after each treatment to keep it from getting dry. /
[简答题]The aim of economics, therefore, is to teach men how to act "economically ". The economic mind deliberates upon relative values, adapts means to ends, and secures most valuable ends at least cost. Economic methods can be applied to any ends, whether in the realm of art, of religion, of politics, or of production. Economics can be applied to play as well as to work, to leisure as well as to production, to public as well as to private objectives, to war as well as to peace.
For this school of thought the "economic" causes of war would be the circumstances which justified a calculation that in a given country in a given situation resort to war would be the cheapest means for accomplishing an end which its population considered of preeminent value.
As the costs of war increase and cheaper means become available for achieving important public ends, war will become less and less "economic" in the sense of this theory. War would tend not to have economic causes
[单项选择]Which action should the nurse include in a plan of care for a client with a fiberglass cast on the right arm()
A. Keep the casted arm warm with a light blanket.
B. Avoid handling the cast for 24 hours or until dry.
C. Assess pedal and posterior tibial pulses every 2 hours.
D. Assess movement and sensation in the fingers of the right hand.
[单项选择]The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client with anorexia nervosa. Which action should the nurse include in the plan()
A. Set up a strict eating plan for the client.
B. Encourage the client to exercise, which will reduce her anxiety.
C. Restrict visits with the family until the client begins to eat.
D. Provide privacy during meals.
[单项选择]The nurse is making a plan of care for the child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to reduce joint pain in the morning just after arising. Which of the following interventions would be included in the plan( )
A. Awakening the child once nightly to exercise the joints.
B. Having the child sleep in a sleeping bag.
C. Having the child sleep with the joints flexed.
D. Increasing pain medication at bedtime.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing a treatment plan for a client taking oral corticosteroids to control severe chronic asthma. Which statement indicates that the client understands his treatment plan()
A. "I should take corticosteroids on an empty stomach. "
B. "I need to take corticosteroids to help build up my immune system. "
C. "I should stop taking corticosteroids if I haven’t had an asthma attack for 1 week. "
D. "I’ll tell my other health care providers that I’m taking a corticosteroid. "
[单项选择]The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client diagnosed with osteoarthritis. To minimize injury to the osteoarthritic client, the nurse should instruct the client to()
A. install safety devices in his home.
B. wear comfortable shoes.
C. get help when lifting objects.
D. wear protective devices when exercising.
[单项选择]The nurse is developing a care plan for a client who’s at risk for ineffective coping due to the effects of chronic illness. Which factor provides the best evidence that the client is at risk for difficulty in coping with his illness()
A. Poor sleeping habits.
B. Lack of social support.
C. Adverse drug effects.
D. Presence of panic disorder.
[单项选择]The nurse is developing a care plan for a client in her 34th week of gestation who is experiencing premature labor. What nonpharmacologic intervention should the plan include to halt premature labor
A. Encouraging ambulation.
B. Serving a nutritious diet.
C. Promoting adequate hydration.
D. Performing nipple stimulation.
[单项选择]Schools in the United Kingdom will plan to teach Mandarin just because______.
A. they just want to make more money from students
B. many parents of students’ asked them to do so
C. china’s economy is becoming more influential in the world
D. british people love Chinese culture


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