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发布时间:2023-11-25 23:46:02

[填空题]To deposit dirty money in a legitimate premium life insurance policy remains a safe way for British drug traffickers to evade suspicion today.

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[单项选择]"Making money is a dirty game," says the Institute of Economic Affairs. summing up the attitude of British novelists towards business. The IEA. a free market think-tank, has just published a collection of essays (The Representation of Business in English Literature) by five academics chronicling the hostility of the country’s men and women of letters to the sordid business of making money. The implication is that Britain’s economic performance Is retarded by an anti-industrial culture.
Rather than blaming rebellious workers and incompetent managers for Britain’s economic worries. then, we can put George Orwell and Martin Amis in the dock instead. From Dickens’s Scrooge to Amis’s John Self in his 1980s novel Money, novelists have conjured up a rogue’s gallery of mean. greedy, amoral money-men that has alienated their impressionable readers from the noble pursuit of capitalism.
The argument has been well made before, most famously in 1981 by Martin Wiener. an American academic,
A. posing a contract
B. justifying an assumption
C. making a comparison
D. explaining a phenomenon

"Making money is a dirty game," says the Institute of Economic Affairs. summing up the attitude of British novelists towards business. The IEA. a free market think-tank, has just published a collection of essays (The Representation of Business in English Literature) by five academics chronicling the hostility of the country’s men and women of letters to the sordid business of making money. The implication is that Britain’s economic performance Is retarded by an anti-industrial culture.
Rather than blaming rebellious workers and incompetent managers for Britain’s economic worries. then, we can put George Orwell and Martin Amis in the dock instead. From Dickens’s Scrooge to Amis’s John Self in his 1980s novel Money, novelists have conjured up a rogue’s gallery of mean. greedy, amoral money-men that has alienated their impressionable readers from the noble pursuit of capitalism.
The argument has been well made before, mos
A. posing a contract
B. justifying an assumption
C. making a comparison
D. explaining a phenomenon

[填空题]The instinctive foundation of the intellectual life is curiosity, which is found among animals in its elementary form. Intelligence demands an alert curiosity, but it must be of a certain kind. The sort that leads village neighbors to try to peer through curtains after dark has not very high value. The widespread interest in gossip is inspired, not by love of knowledge, but by malice; no one gossips about other people’s secret virtues, but only about their secret vices. Accordingly, most gossip is untrue, but care is taken not to verify it. (66) You may see this impulse, in a moderately pure form, at work in a cat that has been brought to a strange room and proceeds to smell every corner and every piece of furniture. You will see it also in children, who are passionately interested when a drawer or cupboard, usually closed, is open for their inspection. Animals, machines, thunderstorms, and all forms of manual work arouse the curiosity of children, whose thirst for knowledge put


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