The "MyDoom" virus could presage a
generation of computer attacks by organised gangs aiming to extract ransoms from
online businesses, experts said yesterday. The warning came as the website run by SCO, a company that sells Unix computer software, in effect disappeared from the web under a blizzard of automated attacks from PCs infected by the virus, which first appeared a week ago. The "MyDoom-A" version of the virus is reckoned to be the worst to have hit the internet, in terms of the speed of its spread, with millions of PCs worldwide believed to be infected. Such "zombie" machines begin to send out hundreds of copies of the virus every hour to almost any e-mail address in their files. On Sunday they began sending automated queries to SCO’s website, an attack that will continue until 12 February. The attack is the web eq A. experts’ different understandings of intention of the attack B. the difficulty to find out the gangs behind this act C. people’s doubt about winning the lawsuit against sca D. the problem with the security of information management [单项选择]根据风险指标分值的不同,对高于全行平均指标分值50%以上的柜员,风险管理等级被评定为()。
A. 五级风险管理柜员 B. 四级风险管理柜员 C. 三级风险管理柜员 D. 二级风险管理柜员 E. 一级风险管理柜员 [多项选择]资产重组对公司的影响有( )。
A. 从理论上讲,资产重组可以促进资源的优化配置,有利于产业结构的调整,增强公司的市场竞争力 B. 在实践中,许多上市公司进行资产重组后,其经营和业绩并没有得到持续、显著的改善 C. 对于扩张型资产重组而言,通过收购、兼并,对外进行股权投资,公司可以拓展产品市场份额,或进入其他经营领域 D. 一般而言,控制权变更后必须进行相应的经营重组,这种方式才会对公司经营和业绩产生显著效果 [填空题]《幼儿园教育指导纲要》教育部于2001年7月颁布,()年()月试行。
[单选题]特殊的地理位置和地理环境,造就了约旦人特殊的性格和国策。在几乎整个中东穆斯林世界对以色列的( )大背景下,约旦却对整个西部边界都与之接壤的邻国以色列奉行和睦政策。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.同室操戈 B.大动干戈 C.短兵相接 D.同仇敌忾 [单项选择]A系甲县人,在当地制造假冒商品,运往隶属于同省另一市的乙县销售。问:对于该违法行为,哪个地方的工商行政管理机关有管辖权?()
A. 甲县工商行政管理机关有管辖权 B. 乙县工商行政管理机关有管辖权 C. 甲、乙两县的工商行政管理机关均有管辖权 [判断题]滴定管体积校正采用的是绝对校正法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防喷器控制系统现场安装调试完成后应对各液控管路进行21MPa压力检验(环形防喷器液控管路只试10.5MPa),稳压10分钟,管路各处不渗不漏,压降≤0.7MPa为合格。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交