New York has an energy of its own, and that late summer evening, I truly understood why. All around me the city was alive with activity as everyone headed in different directions. The Big Apple’s fabled ambition, wealth, and power were on full display, in the sleek cars stopped by the curb, the bright windows of the bustling restaurants, and the studied nonchalance of stylish young people out on the town. As I cut through the financial district, I passed the Twin Towers, shimmering in the streetlights.
Then came the next morning. Even before I heard what was happening, it was clear that something was terribly wrong: there was an unfamiliar edge of desperation to the city’s usual hectic pace. At a friend’s house, uneasy but unsure why, I turned on the TV news. Within seconds, I saw one, then another, plane crash into the World Trade Center. Time stopp
A. an earthquake
B. a foreign invasion
C. two airplanes crashing into the Twin Towers
D. the collapse of many skyscrapers
芳容至孝 周孝子名芳容,华亭人。其父文荣,游楚客死归州官舍矣。芳容十四岁,祖父母相继死,临终抚芳容叹曰:“安得汝为寻亲孝子,使我瞑目九泉乎!”芳容泣而志之,由是始有负骨归葬之念。芳容自顾年已及壮,可跋涉险阻,乃自奋曰:“天下岂有无父之人哉!”乃焚香告家庙曰:“此去不父骨,誓不归矣。” 自出都后,芳容日行风霜雨露中,寒燠(燠:读yù,热)失度,饥饱无时。投止旅店,头晕目眩,遍身焦灼如火。次日,病不能起。主人见芳容病状,惧不敢留,欲徙置邻庙。芳容乃曰:“吾病虽剧,心实了然,药之可以即愈。且吾有大事未了,为吾招里正(里正:古代地方官吏名),当告以故。”未几,里正至,闻言色动,邀医至。直至六月初始能步履。麻鞋短服,日行三四十里。或风雨骤至,往往淋漓达旦。或赤脚行山蹊中,踵决肤裂,流血不已。终至归州,赖老役指迷,获父骸。 芳容负骨登舟,半月余竟达里门。葬父于祖墓旁,得报祖父母遗命于地下。
After yuppies and dinkies, a new creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON. an acronym linking New York and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as jet-setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan keep up). Marketing professionals have noted that (1) the demise of Concorde, a new class of high-earner increasingly (2) his or her time shuttling (3) the twin capitals of globalisation And NYLONS prefer their home comforts (4) tap in both cities. Despite the impressive (5) of air miles, they are not adventurous people.
As (6) from Tom Wolfe’s Masters of the Universe of the 1980s. NYLONS have done more than well (7) the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They are DJs. chefs, games designers. Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and even a (8) band of journalists and writers. They are self-consciously trendy and some are even able to (9) houses
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. above