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发布时间:2023-10-26 21:00:04

[单项选择][听力原文] ??随着生活节奏的加快、社会的浮躁和功利,人与人之间有着太多分不清的是非真伪,以至于我们对“朋友”的称谓产生了畏惧。那么,真正的朋友究竟是什么样的,人的一生到底需要什么样的朋友呢? ??其中一种是成就你的朋友。这种朋友会不断激励你,让你看到自己的优点。他们不一定是你的师长,但他们一定会在某些领域具有丰富的经验,能经常在事业、家庭、人际交往等各方面给你提供许多建议。人生中拥有这种朋友会成为你最大的心理支柱,也常常会成为你的“偶像”。 ??还有一种重要的朋友是支持你的朋友。他们会一直维护你,并在别人面前称赞你。这类朋友可谓是“你帮我,我帮你”,相互打气,使得彼此成为对方成长的铺路石。在一个人的成长过程中,朋友的支持与鼓励是最珍贵的。当你遇到挫折时,这类朋友往往可以帮你分担一部分的心理压力,他们的信任也恰恰是你的“强心剂”。 ??为什么有些人对朋友产生了畏惧?()
A. 人们分不清社会的真伪 
B. 没有时间跟朋友面对面交流 
C. 朋友对自己要求太严格 
D. 亲人更重要

更多"[听力原文] ??随着生活节奏的加快、社会的浮躁和功利,人与人之间有"的相关试题:

[单项选择][听力原文] ()
A. 8:30 
B. 8:35 
C. 8:40 
D. 8:45
[单项选择][听力原文] 随着中国经济的发展,富裕起来的人们开始向往外面的世界,渴望通过出门旅游开阔眼界、增长见识。现在旅游已逐渐成为一种时尚的休闲方式,很多人甚至走出国门环游世界。()
A. 旅游成为一种时尚 
B. 有钱人会常常旅游 
C. 中国经济发展很快 
D. 人们喜欢组团旅游
[单项选择][听力原文] 随着环保意识的增强和绿色食品的流行,人们逐渐认识到塑料包装不仅污染环境,而且对身体也有害。在很多国家,用塑料制成的食品包装已经被淘汰,人们现在使用的是新型的纸包装和可食性包装。()
A. 塑料包装有损健康 
B. 纸质包装更加实用 
C. 应该多吃绿色食品 
D. 可食性包装价格高
[单项选择][听力原文] 男:加快点儿速度,你现在感觉到腿有点儿酸了吗? 女:是啊,不是有点儿,而是非常酸。 男:这说明你的肌肉缺乏锻炼,跑步机的速度还没多快呢。 女:这还不快?行,那你来跑!我去喝杯饮料休息休息。 问:他们现在可能在哪儿?()
A. 医院 
B. 操场 
C. 咖啡店 
D. 健身房

American higher education offers degrees in many areas of study. A community college student earns an associate degree after two years of general study. The student may then continue at a college or university for another two years to earn a bachelor’s degree. An undergraduate student at a four-year school earns a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in an area of science receive the bachelor of science, also known by the letters B. S. Arts or humanities students get the bachelor of arts degree, or B. A. Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the MBA, a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. MBA programs teach about economics, finance and marketing.
A. They can get an associate degree after two years of general study.
B. They can get a bachelor’s degree after two years of general study.
C. They can get a bachelor of science degree after four years of study.
D. They can get a bachelor of arts degree after four years of study.

[单项选择][听力原文] 男:随着时代的发展和社会的进步,心理医生这个职业已渐渐为人们熟悉。我们今天就请来了一位心理医生崔红,和大家一起聊聊心理医生的心理世界。崔医生,大家都在想,心理医生也会有心理问题吗? ??女:那是自然的。其实人的情绪是对外界刺激的正常反应,心理医生也是人,心灵的天平有时也会发生倾斜。当然,心理医生因为自己掌握更多的心理学知识,可能会更自觉地调节自己。一个合格的心理医生需要经常关注和调整自己,当某个时段情绪状态不适合工作的时候,就要选择暂时放弃。因为这个职业需要的不仅仅是专业的技术,还需要全部的真诚和耐心。 ??男:有人说去找心理医生还不如去找朋友,反正都是找人聊天儿嘛。你怎么看待这个说法? ??女:心理治疗不像人们想象的那样需要滔滔不绝地劝说,心理医生大部分时间是在倾听,在分析,需要敏锐地找到来访者的问题,并采用相应的技术方法来解决问题。当然也需要来访者主动配合,来访者是在心理医生的帮助下自己完成自身转变的。 ??男:和你面对面的时候,我有些紧张,我会想:你是不是一直在研究我的内心? ??女:呵呵,我们都应该放轻松些。一开始接触心理学的人容易这样,他特别愿意用自己学到的方法和理论去分析周围的人。人们会本能地迷恋心理分析,有一次我看到心理学杂志上说,人在撒谎的时候会本能地向某个方向转动眼球,所以有很多天我都会不由自主地去观察人的眼球。但这个迷恋不能上瘾,不能不分场合、不分个体地去研究,那样反而会让人更迷茫。所以我不会一直把自己当成心理医生。 ??男:这句话该怎么理解呢? ??女:每个人其实都是一样。在单位,我是一名医生;回到家里,我就是妈妈、妻子。有了这个角色转换,你才是一个生动的人。如果心理医生始终是心理医生,不注重体验自己的生活,没有喜怒哀乐,那么即使能调节到所谓特别“完美”的程度,他也不一定能很好地工作。 心理医生如果自己情绪不佳该怎么做?()
A. 坚持工作 
B. 批评自己 
C. 暂时休息 
D. 找人聊天儿
[单项选择][听力原文] 未来几天,随着连续降雨,高温势力短期内将有所减弱,全省的最高气温都不会超过30度。但气象专家也提醒大家,高温天气并不会就此结束,还要等待一段时间才能进入凉爽的秋天。()
A. 最近几天都不会下雨 
B. 高温天气还没有结束 
C. 最高气温只有30度 
D. 现在已经进入秋天了
[单项选择][听力原文] 迄今为止,人类在适应环境方面已经显示出了很强的能力,但随着变化速度越来越快,竞争越来越激烈,人类陷入了一种尴尬的境地。一方面,身心疲惫,渴望停下匆忙的脚步;另一方面,又有一个声音在督促你不断向前。()
A. 人类不会缓解压力 
B. 人类的处境很尴尬 
C. 人类喜欢快节奏生活 
D. 人类能适应所有环境

Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.

[单项选择][听力原文] 几点开会?()
A. 10:30 
B. 2:00 
C. 2:30 
D. 7:00
[单项选择][听力原文] 什么是知青?()
A. 从城市到农村当农民的青年人 
B. 在农村成长起来的知识青年 
C. 在农村当老师的青年人 
D. 到农村当工人的青年人

25Swiss voters overwhelmingly rejected a nationwide referendum Sunday that would have set the nation’s minimum wage at $25 an hour and 22created the world’s highest paid unskilled workforce.
Final results from Sunday’s vote showed 76.3% of voters opposed the Decent Salary Initiative, which would have had the greatest impact on 23immigrants working in such jobs as agriculture, housekeeping and catering.
The vote came days after hundreds of fast-food workers walked off their jobs in many U.S. cities and in more than 30 countries in a protest for higher wages.
The average household income in Switzerland is about $6,800 a month, government statistics show. In the USA, where the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, the average is roughly $4,300, Census Bureau figures indicate. A recent effort to raise the U.S. minimum to $10 an hour failed to gain congressional traction.
Switzerland, however, features s
A. Catering.
B. Agriculture.
C. Housekeeping.
D. Building.


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