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发布时间:2024-02-23 21:58:47

[单项选择]How can I ever concentrate if you ( ) continually ( ) me with foolish questions
A. have ... interrupted
B. had ... interrupted
C. are ... interrupting
D. were ... interrupting

更多"How can I ever concentrate if you ("的相关试题:

[单项选择]How can I ever concentrate if you () continually ()me with silly questions
A. have...interrupted
B. had...interrupted
C. are...interrupting
D. were...interrupting
[单项选择]How can I ever concentrate if you()continually()me with silly questions
A. have, interupted
B. had, interrupted
C. are, interrupting
D. were, interrupted

How can you avoid the cold
[填空题]How can you improve your manners

[填空题]How can you store more songs on your MP3 Your MP3 Player has_________________________________.
[填空题]How can you protect other people when you have a cold ______ with a tissue when you cough or sneeze at least.
[单项选择]How can you fight your cancer if you cannot look it( )the face.
A. on
B. by
C. in
D. from
[填空题]How can you get information if you’re going to buy a motor bike according to the speaker To look in your ______ newspaper.
[简答题]How can you persuade customers to buy your products instead of your competitors
[简答题] How can you tell the difference between a problem that will go away on its own and one that should be attended to as soon as possible Here are six symptoms that you should call your doctor about. 1. Persistent Headaches Everybody gets headaches now and then. If you’’ve had the same pattern of headaches for years, chances are that it’’s going to continue that way for years more. But if your headaches are so severe that you miss work or social gatherings, or if over-the-counter painkillers don’’t help, see your doctor. There are new treatments now that work well, even for disabling migraines (偏头痛). If you have an unfamiliar type of headache that’’s persisted for three days or longer and is associated with vomiting or visual changes, it could indicate an abnormality in or near the brain, such as a blood clot. If you have an unremitting (不间断的) headache on only one side of your head, near the temple or above the ear, it may be a condition called temporal arthritis (颞动脉炎)


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