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发布时间:2023-10-15 15:44:42


Since sick building syndrome (综合病症) (SBS) shares symptoms with many prevalent maladies (疾病), from the common cold to allergies and asthma, it can be easily overlooked. The condition is typically recognized only after a group of people occupying the same building come down with the classic symptoms, especially if those symptoms wane during the evening and on weekends.
Given a poorly ventilated (使通风), airtight (不漏气的,密封的)building, SBS is believed to be caused by one of two general categories of pollution. The first, typical of flew or newly renovated buildings, is chemical pollution. That "new smell" you get when first moving into a new house is actually the odor of chemical vapors being given off by paint, glue (胶), carpeting and other construction materials. Formaldehyde (甲醛), which is considered a probable human carcinogen (致癌物), is one of the many volatile organic compounds (VOCs)(挥发性有机化合物)commonly released in the vapors; it can be extremely irritating to the m
A. SBS is actually some kind of prevalent maladies.
B. SBS has similar symptoms to those of many prevalent maladies.
C. SBS has a specific symptom different from that of any other maladies.
D. None mentioned in the article.

更多"Since sick building syndrome (综合病症)"的相关试题:


Since sick building syndrome (综合病症) (SBS) shares symptoms with many prevalent maladies (疾病), from the common cold to allergies and asthma, it can be easily overlooked. The condition is typically recognized only after a group of people occupying the same building come down with the classic symptoms, especially if those symptoms wane during the evening and on weekends.
Given a poorly ventilated (使通风), airtight (不漏气的,密封的)building, SBS is believed to be caused by one of two general categories of pollution. The first, typical of flew or newly renovated buildings, is chemical pollution. That "new smell" you get when first moving into a new house is actually the odor of chemical vapors being given off by paint, glue (胶), carpeting and other construction materials. Formaldehyde (甲醛), which is considered a probable human carcinogen (致癌物), is one of the many volatile organic compounds (VOCs)(挥发性有机化合物)commonly released in the vapors; it can be extremely irritating to the m
A. Usually SBS can be easily paid little attention to.
B. SBS can occur in all the new buildings.
C. SBS mostly happens in a poorly ventilated, airtight building.
D. SBS is said to be caused by one of two general categories of pollution.


If you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand, if you have belief in your (21) ,and if he tells you that you’re going to feel better, you (22) will take the case (病症)of Mrs. Brown for example. She was (23) to get to sleep at night. She lacked(缺少) energy and was too (24) during the day even for the simple thing that she used to (25) . Occasional headaches, which were becoming more frequent (频繁的), (26) reading or watching TV. The more she thought about her condition, (27) she felt. (28) ,she went to see her doctor, (29) she had known for years. The doctor listened to her complaints(诉说) and gave her a (30) thorough examination. Then, he said to her," There is (31) seriously wrong with your physical condition, but I (32) the fact that you don’t feel well. I am going to give you some pills(药丸) that should (33) . I want you to take one
A. everything 
B. anything 
C. nothing 
D. something


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