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发布时间:2024-05-21 03:14:58

[单项选择] Only two major American film forms-the slapstick comedy and the western-withstood the effects of foreign influences throughout the 1920’’s, when the entire film industry was dominated by the European moviemakers. These forms were already immensely popular all over the world (there was no need to make them more "artistic" by following the latest European fashions), and they were at once too successful and too lowly to warrant such improvements-they were considered "just entertainment." They bore no weighty messages, inspired no cults and no schools of esthetics. But they delighted audiences, both here and abroad, because they were so purely and simply American. Unconsciously, they represented all that was best in America without the slightest trace of intention, of sermonizing. The ingenuity and eternal optimism of the cornices and the cowboys’’ spirit of adventure as they rode the plains in search of the next frontier were enough to carry the message of the American dream to tired
A. comics’’ ingenuity and optimism
B. cowboys’’ spirit of adventure
C. characters’’ determination to succeed
D. both A and B

更多"Only two major American film forms-"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Only two major American film forms-the slapstick comedy and the western-withstood the effects of foreign influences throughout the 1920’’s, when the entire film industry was dominated by the European moviemakers. These forms were already immensely popular all over the world (there was no need to make them more "artistic" by following the latest European fashions), and they were at once too successful and too lowly to warrant such improvements-they were considered "just entertainment." They bore no weighty messages, inspired no cults and no schools of esthetics. But they delighted audiences, both here and abroad, because they were so purely and simply American. Unconsciously, they represented all that was best in America without the slightest trace of intention, of sermonizing. The ingenuity and eternal optimism of the cornices and the cowboys’’ spirit of adventure as they rode the plains in search of the next frontier were enough to carry the message of the American dream to tired
A. too successful to need improvement
B. too lowly to warrant improvement
C. too insane to improve artistically
D. both A and B
[单项选择]A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share, a single printer and Internet (74) .
A. connect
B. connecting
C. connection
D. connective
[单项选择]Only two animals have entered the human household otherwise than as prisoners and become domesticated by other means than those of enforced servitude(束缚): the dog and the cat. Two things they have in common, namely, that both belong to the order of carnivores and both serve man in their capacity of hunters.
In all other characteristics, above all in the manner of their association with man, they are as different as the night from the day. There is no domestic animal which has so rapidly altered its whole way of living, indeed its whole sphere of interests, that has become domestic in so true a sense as a dog; and there is no animal that, in the course of its century-old association with man, has altered so little as the cat. There is some truth in the assertion that the cat, with the exception of a few luxury breeds, such as Angoras, Persians and Siamese, is no domestic animal but a completely wild being. Maintaining its full independence, it has taken up its abode in the house an
A. marked difference from the cat
B. ability to development a strong attachment to man
C. its submissiveness to man
D. its meekness as well as its defiant nature


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