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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:57:03


A--World Trade Organization
B--Uruguay Round
C--Dispute Settlement Body
D--North American Free Trade Agreement
E--Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
F--investment in non-productive Projects
G--Risk Management
H--Balance of International Payment
I--Appeal Body
J--Bound Level
K--Common Agriculture Policy
L--Customs Value
M--Environmentally- sound Technology
N--Export Performance
O--Food Security
P--Trade Fair
Q--Technical Know-how Transfer
R--North American Free Trade Area
S--Least-developed Countries
T--Intellectual Property Rights
U--Market Access
V--National Treatment


更多"A--World Trade Organization B--Ur"的相关试题:


A--World Trade Organization
B--Uruguay Round
C--Dispute Settlement Body
D--North American Free Trade Agreement
E--Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
F--investment in non-productive Projects
G--Risk Management
H--Balance of International Payment
I--Appeal Body
J--Bound Level
K--Common Agriculture Policy
L--Customs Value
M--Environmentally- sound Technology
N--Export Performance
O--Food Security
P--Trade Fair
Q--Technical Know-how Transfer
R--North American Free Trade Area
S--Least-developed Countries
T--Intellectual Property Rights
U--Market Access
V--National Treatment


World Trade Organization Director-general Renato Ruggiero predicted that the WTO would boost global incomes by ﹩1 trillion in the next ten years. The pact paves the way for more foreign investment and competition in telecom markets. Many governments are making telecom deregulation a priority and making it easier for outsiders to enter the telecom- munication business.
The pace varies widely. The U. S. and Britain are well ahead of the pack, while Thai- land won’t be fully open until 2006. Only 20% of the ﹩ 601 billion world market is currently open to competition. That should jump to about 75% in a couple of years—largely due to the Telecom Act in the U. S. last year that deregulated local markets, the opening up of the European Union’s markets from Jan. 1, 1998 and the deregulation in Japan. The WTO deal now provides a forum for the inevitable disputes along the way. It is also symbolic.. the first major trade agreement of the pos
A. There is a great potential in the world telecom market.
B. The WTO pact has boosted a rapid development of telecom all over the world.
C. The WTO pact has opened up bigger telecom markets to competition.
D. Governments have realized the importance of telecommunication.
[判断题]World Trade Organization itself is able to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy making.( )
[填空题]Task 1
The World Trade Organization was founded in 1995. It absorbed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which covers trade in manufactured and agricultural goods. The WTO also regulates trade in services and in intellectual property, which includes such creations (作品) as books, computer softwares, and recordings.
The WTO is one of the three major organizations that oversee (监督) international economic relations among governments. The other two are the International Monetary Fund (国际货币基金组织), which works to improve payment arrangements and other financial dealings between countries, and the World Bank, which provides loans to poorer nations for economic development. WTO headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.
1. The World Trade Organization was founded in (1)
2. The GATT covers trade in (2) goods.
3. The WTO is one of three major organizations. The other two are the (3) and (4)


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