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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:30:10


Before the printing press, books could be purchased only in expensive manuscript copies. The printing press produced books that were significantly leas expensive than the manuscript editions. The public’s demand for printed books in the first years after the invention of the printing press was many times greater than demand had been for manuscript copies. This increase demonstrates that there was a dramatic jump in the number of people who learned how to read in the years after publishers first started producing books on the printing press.
Which one of the following statements, if true, casts doubt on the argument()

A. During the first years after the invention of the printing press, letter writing by people who wrote without the assistance of scribes or clerks exhibited a dramatic increase
B. Books produced on the printing press are often found with written comments in the margins in the handwriting of the people who owned the books
C. In the first years after the printing press was invented, printed books were purchased primarily by people who had always bought and read expensive manuscripts but could afford a greater number of printed books for the same money
D. Books that were printed on the printing press in the first years after its invention often circulated among friends in informal reading clubs or libraries
E. The first printed books published after the invention of the printing press would have been useless to illiterate people, since the books had virtually no illustrations

更多"Before the printing press, books co"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Nothing in books could be accepted ______ checked by a demonstration to the senses.
A. if
B. after
C. when
D. unless
[简答题]Before Simone Thelemaque could get her dream job, she has to secure ______.

[填空题]The press, books, and television make known the greatness of the public figures as well as the dark sides of them.
[单项选择]One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language.()
A. 在掌握一门外语之前只有刻苦学习。
B. 不下工夫是掌握不了外语的。
C. 谁肯下工夫,谁就能精通外语。
D. 必须勤学苦练,才能精通一门外语。
[填空题]He ______ the button before we could stop him.
[单项选择]Before she could shout "look ()" to the old man, he was run ()by a car coining from his left.
A. back, on
B. out, over
C. up, down
D. ahead, at
[简答题]Before the Industrial Revolution, there could have been few family reunions as we know this ceremony at the present time, with its assembling of infrequently-encountered but still familiar figures and the consequent going up to day with the events in other people’ s lives. Present-day impressions of this important occasion are of a strange blending of formalities, plain speaking, with a general lack of natural warmth.
[单项选择]Without reading the required books before classes. students will find it difficult to understand the class.()
A. 如学生课前没有按要求看书,他们会觉得难以听懂授课内容。
B. 如学生课前不阅读指定书目,他们会觉得难以昕懂授课内容。
C. 如学生课前不看书,他们会很难找到授课内容。
D. 如学生不和同学一起按要求看书,他们很难找到授课内容。
[单项选择]Before she could shout“look()”to the old man, he was run()by a car coining from his left
A. back,on
B. out,over
C. up,down
D. ahead,at
[填空题]How many books did Carson write before Silent Spring, and what were their titles ______.
[单项选择]Customer: Could you find these books for me Seller: Sure. Let me have a look at your list. Customer: __________
A. It’s all right.
B. No problem.
C. Here you are.
D. Thank you.
[填空题]Firemen ______(已经同森林大火搏斗了将近3个星期) before they could get it under control.
[填空题]Before How Rude! was published, the books about etiquette are ______.


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