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发布时间:2023-12-31 05:19:06


W: Hurry up! The train will leave at 13:30.
M: Don’t worry! We have half an hour left.

What is the time now()
A. At 11:30 a.m.
B. At 9:30 p.m.
C. At 1:30 a.m.
D. At 1:00 p.m.

更多"[听力原文] W: Hurry up! The train wil"的相关试题:


M: Did you leave the hotel when Mick did at 2:30 p. m.
W: No, I just left fifteen minutes after him.

When did the woman leave the hotel()
A. At 2:50 p.m.
B. At2:35 p.m.
C. At2:45 p.m.

W: What time does the bus leave
M: Not until 8:30, but I want to get to the bus station by 8:15 in order to get a good seat.

When will the man’s bus leave()
A. 8:00.
B. 8:15.
C. 8:30.
D. 8:45.

W: When will the train leave
M: It’s said to begin at 13:00 o’clock, and now it’s 12:38.

How long will they wait till the train leave ()
A. 22 minutes.
B. 32 minutes.
C. 12 minutes.
D. 2 minutes.

M:Excuse me,Madam. Could I leave this here for a few hours,please
W:Why not go to the luggage office over there

What does the man ask the woman to do()
A. Get some travel information.
B. Help him to carry some luggage.
C. Tell him the way to the luggage office.
D. Look after the luggage for him.

W: Leave me alone! I’ve never been so humiliated. Is this the way you treat your customers
M: I’m sorry, Madam. I have to check your handbag. Our hidden camera has detected something suspicious about you.

Where does the conversation most likely take place ()
A. In a supermarket.
B. In an advertising agency.
C. At a police station.
D. In a customs office.

M: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term
W: Yes, I am.
M: What are you going to do
W: I’m going to be a clerk.
M: What does a clerk do
W: She works in an office. She writes letters and reports, and she types.
M: I want to be a vet.
W: A veteran
M: No, vet — a veterinary surgeon.
W: My god! What’s that
M: A vet is someone who takes care of sick animals, like an animal doctor.
W: I once read a story about a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting.

What does a clerk do ()
A. Writes letters.
B. Writes reports.
C. Types.
D. All of the abov

M: I am sorry. I have to leave a bit early. I have an important appointment with my doctor.
W: That’s fine with me. But you’d better tell the manager.

What is the possible relationship between the two speakers()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Coworkers in an office.
D. Manager and employee.
[单项选择] [听力原文] M:Why don’t you try to leave your office at 6:15 And I’ll pick you up at 6:30. W:That maybe a little late if we want to be sure of getting good seats I think I’d rather leave here at 6:00 When will the man probably meet the woman()
A. At 6:00.
B. At 6:15.
C. At 6:30.
D. At 6:45.

I usually wake up every morning at about seven o’clock. I get out of bed and go and wake up George and Richard. I sometimes squeeze some water on them to wake them. They get up and chase me to the bathroom, where we wash and brush our teeth, and then we go back to the bedroom to dress. Mother generally calls upstairs, "Come on, boys, breakfast is ready." So we hurry downstairs. We say, "Good morning, Mother," "Good morning, Father," and sit down to breakfast. Father goes to the office at half past eight, but before he goes, he usually sits, reads his paper and smokes a cigarette. We eat our breakfast and ask if we can leave the table. Then we go and get our books, caps and coats. We say good- bye to mother, take out our bikes and cycle to school.

What time does the speaker usually get up
He usually gets up at()


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