发布时间:2024-07-31 07:27:13

[单项选择]I extend my sincere () to the family and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly left us at the age of 54.
A. appreciation
B. description
C. condolences
D. charges

更多"I extend my sincere () to the famil"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I extend my sincere ______ to the family and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly left us at the age of 54.
A. appreciation
B. description
C. condolences
D. charges
[单项选择]A circle of close friends and strong family ties can increase a person’s health more than exercise, losing weight or quitting cigarettes and alcohol, psychologists say. Sociable (好交际的) people seem to reap extra rewards from their relationships by feeling less stressed, taking better care of themselves and having less risky lifestyles than those who are more isolated.
A review of studies into the impact of relationships on health found that people had a 50% better survival rate if they belonged to a wider social group, be it friends, neighbors, relatives or a mix of these. The striking impact of social connections on welfare has led researchers to call on GPs (社区全科医生) and health officials to take loneliness as seriously as other health risks, such as alcoholism (酗酒) and smoking.
"We take relationships for granted as humans," said Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a psychologist at Brigham Young University in Utah. "That constant interaction is not only beneficial psychologically but dire
A. They can exercise more by taking good care of their friends.
B. They get more health knowledge from their close friends.
C. They can be more responsible for themselves.
D. They enjoy themselves very much with friends.
[填空题]After her friends heard about her family difficulties,________________________(都主动伸出援助之手).
[单项选择]I will invite some of my friends to my home on Christmas Eve, and I do wish all of them will have a ( )evening.
A. glad
B. pleasant
C. exciting
D. interesting
[填空题]A: Could I invite my friends to my house for the Dragon Boat Festival, Mom
B: (76) . That sounds like fun.
A: Yeah. Ummm...Could I borrow some money
B: (77)
A: I need to buy some ingredients to make Zongzi.
B: I’m going to the supermarket and I can buy what you need.
A: (78) .
B: You’re welcome. Oh, could you clean your room
A: (79)
B: You need to clean it again for your friends.
A: OK, Dave is coming early. (80) .
B: All right. By the way, do you know how to make Zongzi Maybe we can make Zongzi together. And then we can give some to your grandparents as well.
A: Perfect.

[单项选择]Some pieces of art are given to family and friends as gifts,or they are sold to make room for more.
A. 有些艺术品作为礼物送给了家人和朋友、或被卖掉用来造更多的房间。
B. 有些艺术品作为礼物送给了家人和朋友或被卖掉,给房间添置更多的艺术品。
C. 有些艺术品作为礼物送给了家人和朋友,有些则被卖掉,为更多的艺术品腾出空间。
D. 家人和朋友卖掉一些艺术品,换来更多的礼物放在房间里。
[单项选择]My family planned (41) house tomorrow. But my father called me when I was in company. He said today was a good day to move house. We needed to move (42) of things today. My boss told me we had to prepare three things (43) the new house. They were an ax(斧头), three scallions(大蒜) and a boiler(锅). Put the ax before the new (44) gate. Plant three scallions into a flowerpot (花盆). Put some water into the boiler and boil(烧) it. I have (45) the three things in the new house this afternoon.
I went here this afternoon. The first thing was that I took my computer here. (46) now, there is music in all of rooms, I enjoy it (47) . The feeling was very good. I’m (48) some old English songs now.
Since I am interested (49) taking photos, so I took some photos about snow this morning. I will send one of them to (50) friends.

A. So
B. Because
C. Since


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