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发布时间:2023-12-18 03:02:29


W: Good morning. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to open an account.
W: We have quite a few types of account—current deposit, fixed deposit, bonus deposit, checking account and so on.
M: I am more interested in which would be more convenient for me.
W: Well, if you plan to travel during your vacations, I think a checking account would be more convenient for you. The rate is the same as that of the current deposit.
M: Is there a service charge
W: No.
M: Then I’d like to open a checking account of 1,000 US dollars.
W: Please fill out this form first.
M: Okay.

Which type of account is suggested by the woman ()
A. Fixed deposit.
B. Checking account.
C. Bonus deposit.
D. Current deposit.

更多"[听力原文]6-7 W: Good morning. May I "的相关试题:


M: Good morning . May I help you
W: Good morning. I’ d like to get three 50-cent stamps.
M: Here you are. One dollar and 50 cents in all, please

Where are they()
A. In a bank.
B. At a post.
C. In a department store.

W: Good morning. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to open an account.
W: We have quite a few types of account—current deposit, fixed deposit, bonus deposit, checking account and so on.
M: I am more interested in which would be more convenient for me.
W: Well, if you plan to travel during your vacations, I think a checking account would be more convenient for you. The rate is the same as that of the current deposit.
M: Is there a service charge
W: No.
M: Then I’d like to open a checking account of 1,000 US dollars.
W: Please fill out this form first.
M: Okay.

Where is this conversation most probably taking place ()
A. At a post office.
B. At a theatre.
C. At a restaurant.
D. At a bank.

W: Good morning, sir. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to know if there is a bus to New Star Hotel.
W: There are two: one is 205 and the other is 310.
M: Which one arrives earlier
W: Let me see. Hmm, 205 will be earlier because its line is shorter.
M: Thank you.

Where is the man going ()
A. Hospital.
B. Hotel.
C. Bus station.
D. Star movie.

M: Good morning, Can I help you
W: Yes, I want to go to Spain for a holiday.
M: Ok. What do you want to know
W: Well, first of all, I want to know the air fare.
M: When do you want to go
W: June, or maybe July.
M: I see. Well, in June the fare is $480. But it’ s more in July.
W: More How much is it then
M: It’ s $525.
W: Oh,...I’ll think about it. Thanks.
M: You are welcome.

Where did the conversation most probably take place ()
A. At the airport.
B. At the ticket office.
C. At the Travel agency.
D. At the store.

M: Good morning, madam. Can I help you
W: I’d like to see some handbags.
M: Here they are. They are in many sizes and shapes. The black one with flowers is very popular. So is the white one.
W: They do look very nice. I can’t make up my mind.
M: Why don’t you take both I’ m sure your friends will like them.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll take them both then.
M: Let me wrap them up for you.
W: How much do they cost
M: Sixty-five yuan in all.

What does the woman want to buy ()
A. Handbags.
B. Flowers.
C. Black flowers.
D. Both the black and the white flowers.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: May I help you
W: Yes, (8)my nephew Jim is graduating from college next week and I’d like to get him a nice gift.
M: What price are you interested in We’ll need to know that before we begin looking.
W: Well, I usually spend about twenty dollars for a gift. Do you have anything nice for that price
M: How about a pen
W: No, (9)my brother gave him that for his birthday last year.
M: Well, then, would he enjoy a chess set
W: No, he doesn’t like chess very much, but he is quite athletic.
M: (10)Then you could get him a tennis racket.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ll take it.

Who bought Jim a pen()
A. The woman.
B. Jim’s brother.
C. Jim.
D. The woman’s brother.


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