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发布时间:2024-02-22 03:52:23

[填空题]The local health organization is reported ______(三十年前成立的) when Mr. smith became its first mayor.

更多"The local health organization is re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The local health organization is reported ()twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
A. to be set up
B. being set up
C. to have been set up
D. having been set up
[填空题]The local health organization is reported______(三十年前成立的) when Mr. Smith became its first mayor.

[单项选择]The local health organization is reported ______ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Ardon became its first president.
A. to be set up
B. being set up
C. to have been set up D. having been set up
[填空题]The local health organization is reported ______ (三十年前成立的) when Mr. Smith became its first mayor.

[单项选择]The young lady is reported in the local newspaper() in broad daylight yesterday.
A. being robbed
B. having been robbed
C. to have been robbed
D. robbed
[填空题]The bank is reported in the local newspaper (rob)______.
[单项选择]The bank is reported in the local newspaper______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. robbed
B. to have been robbed
C. being robbed
D. having been robbed

The World Health Organization says lifestyle factors are at the root of the non-communicable disease crisis, which is responsible for millions of premature deaths every year. WHO is calling for global action to combat this epidemic.
The World Health Organization breaks a common misperception. It says non-communicable diseases or NCDs do not mainly afflict affluent people. On the contrary, it says 80 percent of all NCDs occur in lowand middle-income countries.
WHO says non-communicable diseases are preventable. It reports up to 80 percent of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes and more than one-third of cancers could be prevented by eliminating the major risk factors. These include tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and the harmful use of alcohol.

What is the "common misperception" the WHO breaks( ).
A. Non-communicable diseases often afflict rich people.
B. Non-communicable diseases are curable.
C. Non-communicable diseases are preventable.
D. Non-communicable diseases are not caused by tobacco use.
[简答题]The World Health Organization considers smoke from dirty stoves to be one of the five most serious health risks that face people in poor, developing countries. Nearly 2 million people die from its effects each year, more than twice the number from malaria. And because the smoke contains greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane, as well as black carbon, it contributes to climate change.

[单项选择]Text 4
The World Health Organization says as many as 10 million persons worldwide may have the virus(病毒)that causes AIDS. Experts believe about 350 thousand persons have the disease. And one million more may get it in the next five years. In the United States, about 50000 persons have died with AIDS. The country’s top medical official says more than 90 percent of all Americans who had the AIDS virus five years ago are dead.
There is no cure for AIDS and no vaccine (疫苗) medicine to prevent it. However, researchers know much more about AIDS than they did just a few years ago. We now know that AIDS is caused by a virus. The virus invades healthy cells including white blood cells that are part of our defense system against disease. It takes control of the healthy cell’s genetic(遗传的)material and forces the cell to make a copy of the virus. The
A. it starts to destroy our white brood cells
B. we begin to feel tired
C. it means we will die very soon
D. our white blood cells can cotrol it


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