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发布时间:2024-07-01 23:19:11

[单项选择]A. A designer of the American crawl.
B. An early user of the crawl.
C. An English moved to Australia.
D. An professional swimmer.

更多"A. A designer of the American crawl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Benjamin Franklin was the greatest early American leader never to become president of the United States, but he served in many other crucial positions for the colonies and the American government. He was a great reader and did more to promote books and reading among the public of his time than any other person born within what became the United States. He founded a social library open to association members; he published
his own works and books by others; he founded and published newspapers.
Unlike many other colonial leaders, Franklin was egalitarian, tolerant, believed strongly in democracy, and was a rabid opponent of slavery, long before such ideas were common or acceptable in most social circles. Franklin also had an almost religious belief in the value of the written word.
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. After attending school for a brief period, he went to work full time. He hated his first job, making candles and soap. He then became
A. A politician
B. An inventor
C. A writer
D. A president
[单项选择]Early American industries depended largely on skilled artisans working in small shops to serve a local market. But the Industrial Revolution that started in England during the 18th century did not take long to cross the Atlantic. It brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. Because labor was scarce in the United States and wages were high, employers welcomed any new method that could reduce the requirement for labor.
One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. The first factory in the United States is generally dated to 1793, when an Englishman named Samuel Slater came to America to build a cotton cloth factory. He built the machinery from memory, because it was a crime to carry factory plant out of England. The success of Slater’s factory started a process of change that turned the northeastern region of the United States into a
A. early American industries mainly depended on new methods.
B. early American industries mainly depended on people who did skilled work with their hands.
C. early American industries mainly depended on England industries.
D. early American industries mainly depended on new changes.
[单项选择]According to the passage, early American parishioners held which of the following views concerning parish demography
A. Migration between towns stands in direct contrast with the accumulation of population in cities.
B. Parish populations would grow at fairly equal rates, given the fact that those who left a parish in response to life course events were usually replaced.
C. Migration between parishes was a rare enough phenomenon that it was unnecessary to keep records of it in any fashion.
D. Parish populations often chose to remain sedimentary as a result of the homogeneity of the various countryside parishes.
E. Parish populations owed their existence on the whole to the influx of populations due to life course events.
[单项选择](While) some pirate ships deprived early American colonists of (many) needed supplies, (others) smuggled in goods, subverted(破坏) British taxes, and (help) in the Revolutionary War.()
A. While
B. many
C. others
D. help
[单项选择]During the early American colonial years, com was more plentiful than wheat, so com breed was more common than wheat bread. Friendly Indians showed colonists how to grow com and how to prepare it for food and pioneer women then improved the Indian cooking techniques. When people traveled, they went on foot or horseback, sleeping and eating in the forests. They carded com bread for sustenance; the com bread came to be called journey cake. Later when roads and taverns were built and stagecoaches carded passengers, journeycake became johnnycake, a name many easterners still use for corn breed. The kinds of bread made with cornmeal were-and still are-almost without limit. Every region has its specialties.
In colonial times, why was com bread more common than wheat bread
A. The colonists preferred com breed.
B. Corn was more abundant.
C. The colonists did not know how to make wheat bread.
D. Com bread did not spoil as rapidly as wheat breed di
[填空题]A popular American designer put up ads for a new perfume in the Latin American market, emphasizing its fresh camellia scent. The marketers failed to know that

[单项选择]In the early 1930s, the American foreign policy was Isolationist, but the ( ) suddenly changed the whole situation, which propelled the U.S. into the Second World War.
A. Pearl Harbor attack
B. bombing of Guam Island
C. seizing of American merchant ships
D. sinking of American passenger ships


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