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发布时间:2023-12-12 03:49:28

[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

The general tone of the passage is one of
A. annoyance.
B. explanation.
C. deduction.
D. complaint.

更多"Questions 14 to 17 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
Each for its own reason, the study of residential mobility has been a concern of three disciplines: sociology, economics, and geography. For the economist, residential shifts provide a means for studying the housing and land markets. Geographers study mobility to understand the spatial distributions of population types. For the sociologist, interest in residential mobility has two sources: one stemming from the study of human ecology and the other, from a concern with the peculiar qualities of urban life. Of course, there are clearly overlapping concerns and it is often difficult to discern the disciplinary origins of a researcher by sole examining the kinds of questions he or she raises about mobility, although it is usually easier to identify a researcher’s discipline by noting the methods used and the concepts employed.
Urban mobility first appears in the sociological literature as a term expressin
A. not an ideal way to identify his or her disciplinary origin
B. easier than noting the methods used and the concepts employed
C. the only way to discern the disciplines he or she applied
D. too difficult to be used in finding out his or her disciplinary origins
[填空题]Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
If our society ever needed a reading renaissance(复兴), it’s now.The National Endowment for the Arts released "Reading at Risk" last year, a study showing that adult reading 47 have dropped 10 percentage points in the past decade, with the steepest drop among those 18 to 24. “Only one half of young people read a book of any kind in 2002. We set the bar almost on the ground. If you read one short story in a teenager magazine, that would have 48 , ”laments a director of research and analysis. He 49 the loss of readers to the booming world of technology, which attracts would-be leisure readers to E-mail, IM chats, and video games and leaves them with no time to cope with a novel.
“These new forms of media undoubtedly have some benefits,” says Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for You. Video games 50 problem solving skills; TV shows promote mental gymna
[单项选择] Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

The speaker mainly discusses ______.
A. the growth of the printing industry
B. the history of paper-making
C. the use of paper in the 19th century
D. the composition of wood fiber
[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
What is the finding of Harvard University’s study
A. Brown rice is better than white rice in reducing Type Two diabetes.
B. People in developed countries are more likely to have diabetes.
C. Type Two diabetes is relevant to the sugar our body produces.
D. Women are less likely to have Type Two diabetes than men.
[单项选择]Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

Daily attendance is required______.
A. at all American universities
B. only in elementary and high schools in America
C. for bad students only
D. by some college professors
[单项选择] Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.
BRITAIN’S universities are in an awful spin. Top universities were overwhelmed by the 24% of A-level applicants with indistinguishable straight As newer ones are beating the byways for bodies.
Curiously, both images of education—the weeping willows of Cambridge and the futuristic architecture of UEL—are cherished by the government. Ministers want to see half of all young people in universities by 2010 (numbers have stalled at 42%), without letting go of the world-class quality of its top institutions.
Many argue that the two goals are incompatible without spending a lot more money. Re searchers scrabble for funds, and students complain of large classes and reduced teaching time. To help solve the problem, the government agreed in 2004 to let universities increase tuition fees.
Though low, the fees have introduced a market into higher education. Universities can offer cut-price tuition, althoug
A. They are confident of changing it.
B. They are much disturbed by it.
C. They find it natural in the market.
D. They cherish it with a nostalgic mood.
[单项选择]Questions 16 to 18 are based on the following passage.If you want to enjoy Australian daily family life,______is your best choice.
  A.College House B.University Village C.Group House D.Homestay
[单项选择]Questions 23 to 26 are based on the following passage.
  American money can be quite confusing.The bills or paper money are all of the same color and size.One has to look carefully to he sure he is giving out a $1 bill and not a$10 bill,for example.Furthermore,new bills stick together easily,Be sure this does not happen to you.Coins are also confusing.This is partly because some of them have two names,partly because the size does not indicate the value.The ten.cent coin is smaller than the five—cent coin,for example.In addition,all coins are silver—colored except the penny(one cent)which is brown color or copper-colored.
  One cent,or a penny,is the coin of smallest value,equal to 1/100 of a dollar.It is useful for some parking meters and some sales taxes but a penny does not buy very much! Five pennies are equal to one nickel.A coin of ten cents,the smallest in size of all the coins,is one of the most useful.It is used for pay-phones,buying newspapers from coi
A. A one—cent coin or a penny.
B. A five—cent coin or a nickel.
C. A ten—cent coin.
D. A twenty—five—cent coin or a quarter.
[单项选择]Questions 27 to 31 are based on the following passage.
  It is universally known that friendship is one of the ever—going themes in the literature of all languages.This is because human beings were born to need the warmth and respect from friends.Indeed,people,old and young,male and female,at work or at leisure, unsurprisingly or unexpectedly,are meeting new people and making new friends every day.However,it is impossible for US to make friends with everybody.We have to choose true friends.Some of US like similar friends,while others different friends.Personally,I prefer both.
  It goes without saying that having similar friends has many advantages.We can feel a sense of strength when we have a group of old friends who share our suffering and happiness.Naturally,anybody with an ambition in life,either to become an artist or all engineer or a politician,will feel a special need to be surrounded by friends whose assistance and encouragement will add to his confid
A. will feel satisfied when they make more friends
B. knows how to maintain trust between him and his friends
C. will provide a lot of help for his friends when they are in trouble
D. needs friends’ help and encouragement to increase their confidence
[单项选择] Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

Freeze-dried foods
A. always contain meat.
B. need refrigeration.
C. are dried and then frozen.
D. last for a long time unspoiled.
[单项选择]Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage. One principle of taxation, called the benefit principle, states that people should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services. This principle tries to make public goods similar to __36__ goods. It seems reasonable that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in __37__ for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes. And __38__ a person who gets great benefit from a public good should pay more for it than a person who gets little benefit. The gasoline tax, for instance, is sometimes __39__ using the benefits principle. In some states, __40__ from the gasoline tax are used to build and maintain roads. Because those who buy gasoline are the same people who use the roads, the gasoline tax might be viewed as a __41__ way to pay this government service. The benefits principle can also be used to argue that wealthy citizens should pay higher taxes than poorer ones, __42__ because the wealthy benefi
[单项选择] Questions 14 to 16 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

A. is good for crops.
B. can poison food and water.
C. is harmful to man.
D. is useful to man.
[填空题] Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Although clichés about the "vulnerability" of women in the economy have been disproved by hard BLS data, we want to believe them. When women lose jobs, the victims are women. When men lose jobs, the victims are, women, because they have to make up for that lost male income. The scale of male job losses was evident even when the stimulus bill was passed. That did not stop incoming Congressman Jared Polls, a Colorado Democrat, from warning Obama that "gender imbalance in occupations related to basic facility development means that the direct job creation will benefit mostly men."
Men still make up 53% of the workforce, and the percentage of society’s work they do is considerably higher, owing to women’s shorter hours and more frequent leave for child-rearing. In prosperous times, women may yearn for more time at home. But economic realities have a way of washing away these yearnings. One such reality is the r


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