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发布时间:2024-01-05 01:08:35

[单项选择]Friendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or smoking is whether they have friends who do, a National Institute of Health study suggests. Researchers find that school children are likely to do the same things as their five closest friends do, and girls are more likely than boys to give in to pressure to drink. However, the parents’ role makes a difference: Children whose moms and dads talk and listen to them regularly are less likely to smoke and drink.
Crying for a Smoke: New moms are often annoyed by the cries of new-bore babies, but according to one study, there is something they can do about it: Give up smoking. Researchers at a Netherlands organization of scientific research questioned parents of 3,000 babies up to six months old and found that stomachache was three times as likely in small babies whose mothers smoked 15 to 30 cigarettes a day, either before or after their babies were born. No data yet on Dad’s smoking, but it’s a safe suggestion tha
A. Do researches on drinking and smoking habits.
B. Talk with their children like friends.
C. Put more pressure on boys than on girls.
D. Take advice from their children’s friends.

更多"Friendly Advice: The main cause for"的相关试题:


Friendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or smoking is whether they have friends who do, a National Institute of Health study suggests. Researchers find that school children are likely to do the same things as their five closest friends do, and girls are more likely than boys to give in to pressure to drink. However, the parents’ role makes a difference: Children whose moms and dads talk and listen to them regularly are less likely to smoke and drink.
Crying for a Smoke: New moms are often annoyed by the cries of new-bore babies, but according to one study, there is something they can do about it: Give up smoking. Researchers at a Netherlands organization of scientific research questioned parents of 3,000 babies up to six months old and found that stomachache was three times as likely in small babies whose mothers smoked 15 to 30 cigarettes a day, either before or after their babies were born. No data yet on Dad’s smoking, but it&rs
A. Do researches on drinking and smoking habits.
B. Talk with their children like friends.
C. Put more pressure on boys than on girls.
D. Take advice from their children’s friends.

Friendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or smoking is whether they have friends who do, a National Institute of Health study suggests. Researchers find that school children are likely to do the same things as their five closest friends do, and girls are more likely than boys to give in to pressure to drink. However, the parents’ role makes a difference: Children whose moms and dads talk and listen to them regularly are less likely to smoke and drink.
Crying for a Smoke: New moms are often annoyed by the cries of new-bore babies, but according to one study, there is something they can do about it: Give up smoking. Researchers at a Netherlands organization of scientific research questioned parents of 3,000 babies up to six months old and found that stomachache was three times as likely in small babies wh
A. Do researches on drinking and smoking habits.
B. Talk with their children like friends.
C. Put more pressure on boys than on girls.
D. Take advice from their children’s friends.
[填空题]Identical twin girls are more likely than boys to have learning problems.

The differences of scores between boys and girls are limited only to the US. True False
[填空题]Boys bring home lower marks than girls through their first few grades because the development and treatment of baby boys and girls are different.



Girls Are as Competitive as Boys-Just more Subtle


Girls are no less competitive than boys, they simply employ more subtle tactics, a study of pre-schoolers suggests. While boys use head-on aggression to get what they want, girls rely on the pain of social exclusion.
To test the apparent differences in how very young children compete, Joyce Benenson at Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts, and her colleagues divided 87 four-year-olds into same sex groups of three. In suecessive trials, each trio received either one, two or three highly prized animal puppets.
The sexes behaved similarly when there were two or three puppets to go around. The differences became clear, though, when there was just one puppet for each group.
Boys tended to ask for the puppet, grab at it, or even chase the child who had it. In contrast, girls punished the puppet-holder by excluding her from the


In the United States, boys and girls start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school until they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen years old when they graduate from secondary school (中学). Another name for secondary school is high school.
Most children go to public elementary schools (小学) and secondary schools. The parents of public school pupils do not have to pay directly for these children’s education because tax money supports the public schools. If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child’s education.
Today about half of the high school graduates go on to colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities receive tax money from the government. A student at a state university does not have to pay much if his parents live in that state. Private colleges and universities are expensive, however. Almost half of college students in the United States work while they are stud
A. Schools in the USA
B. Elementary Schools in the USA
C. Secondary Schools in the USA
D. Colleges and Universities in the USA


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