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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:21:47


M: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term
W: Yes, I am.
M: What are you going to do
W: I’m going to be a clerk.
M: What does a clerk do
W: She works in an office. She writes letters and reports, and she types.
M: I want to be a vet.
W: A veteran
M: No, vet — a veterinary surgeon.
W: My god! What’s that
M: A vet is someone who takes care of sick animals, like an animal doctor.
W: I once read a story about a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting.

What does a clerk do ()
A. Writes letters.
B. Writes reports.
C. Types.
D. All of the abov

更多"[听力原文]6-7 M: Are you going to lea"的相关试题:


M: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term
W: Yes, I am.
M: What are you going to do
W: I’m going to be a clerk.
M: What does a clerk do
W: She works in an office. She writes letters and reports, and she types.
M: I want to be a vet.
W: A veteran
M: No, vet — a veterinary surgeon.
W: My god! What’s that
M: A vet is someone who takes care of sick animals, like an animal doctor.
W: I once read a story about a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting.

What does a clerk do ()
A. Writes letters.
B. Writes reports.
C. Types.
D. All of the abov

M: Did you leave the hotel when Mick did at 2:30 p. m.
W: No, I just left fifteen minutes after him.

When did the woman leave the hotel()
A. At 2:50 p.m.
B. At2:35 p.m.
C. At2:45 p.m.

M: You’ve certainly been reading that one page for a long time now.
W: Well, I’m being tested on it tomorrow.

What does the woman imply ()
A. She’s reading a very long book.
B. The man is mistaken.
C. She needs to read the page carefully.
D. She’s working on a long assignment.

M: Sarah, did you have a chance to buy that new novel you wanted
W: No, but I had Doris get it for me.

What does Sarah say about the novel ()
A. Doris wrote it for her.
B. She didn’t want Doris to borrow it.
C. She enjoyed it but Doris didn’t.
D. Doris purchased it for her.

M: What do you think of my paper
W: The ideas are good: If I were you. Though, I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better.

What’s the woman’s comment on the man’s paper ()
A. The ideas of the paper are not convincing.
B. Some parts of the paper are not well written.
C. The handwriting of the paper is not good.
D. The paper is not complet
[单项选择] [听力原文] M:Why don’t you try to leave your office at 6:15 And I’ll pick you up at 6:30. W:That maybe a little late if we want to be sure of getting good seats I think I’d rather leave here at 6:00 When will the man probably meet the woman()
A. At 6:00.
B. At 6:15.
C. At 6:30.
D. At 6:45.

W:Would you like to see a menu
M:No,thank you.I already know what I want to order.

Where did the conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a bank.
B. At the post office.
C. In a restaurant.
D. At a drugstore.

Women are on their way to holding more than half of all American jobs. The latest government report shows that their share of nonfarm jobs reached nearly 50% in September. Not only have more and more women entered the labor market over the years, but the recession has been harder on men. In October, the unemployment rate for men was almost 11% compared to 8% for women. Industries that traditionally use lots of men have suffered deep cuts. For example, manufacturing and building lost more jobs last month. But health care and temporary employment services have job growth. Both of those industries employ high percentages of women. Thirty years ago, women earned 62 cents for every dollar that men earned. Now, for those who usually work full time, women earn about 80% of what men earn. And women hold 51% of good-paying management and professional jobs. Yet a study released Thursday said men still hold about nine out of every ten top positions at the 400
A. More and more women faced unemployment.
B. More and more men entered the labor market.
C. More and more men get affected by the recession.
D. More and more women get affected by the recession.


M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you are married
W: I want to live in the city near my work place.

Where does the woman want to live ()
A. In the city near the Central Park.
B. Not live in the city.
C. In the city near her work place.
D. Living in the country.

W: What time does the bus leave
M: Not until 8:30, but I want to get to the bus station by 8:15 in order to get a good seat.

When will the man’s bus leave()
A. 8:00.
B. 8:15.
C. 8:30.
D. 8:45.

W: Where did you say you put the glasses
M: I didn’t say, but keep looking till you find them.

Where did the man say he put his glasses()
A. In the cupboard.
B. On the desk.
C. He couldn’t remember exactly.


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