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发布时间:2023-10-18 10:23:09

[单项选择]Few people realize how rich that area is. It is a land of treasure ______ treasure.
A. piled on
B. derived from
C. turned over
D. increased by

更多"Few people realize how rich that ar"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Few people realize how rich that area is. It is a land of treasure()treasure.
A. increased by
B. derived from
C. turned over
D. piled on
[单项选择]Few people realize ______.
A. how quickly many species of cacti are becoming extinct
B. how quickly much species of cacti is becoming extinct
C. how quickly are many species of cacti becoming extinct
D. how quickly is much species of cacti becoming extinct
[填空题]People in the rich one-third don’t realize the enormous difference between them and the other two-thirds. A very simple example is that a fisherman in South America may be catching fish which is processed into pet food and yet his own children are not getting enough protein for their bodies to develop properly.
Although a lot of the world’s natural resources like oil come from these poorer countries, we in the richer countries are probably using sixty times as much of these resources as a person in Asia or Africa. The richer countries are in a position to dictate the suppliers what kind of prices they are prepared to pay for these natural resources. In some cases, the prices have gone down. In others, they have remained steady. But the prices the richer countries get for their own exports have continued to rise. So they are getting richer and richer and the poorer countries are getting poorer.
What is the actual condition of rich countries and poor countries
The fact is __
[单项选择]Able-bodied people just don’t realize how difficult it is _________ good jobs.
A. of disabled people to get
B. of disabled people getting
C. for disabled people to get
D. for disabled people getting
[单项选择]Protecting the Few How we live our lives affects the environment. The environment is all the things around you. All across Earth, humans are 31 the environment in small and large ways. We cut down trees to build houses. We plow fields to 32 crops. We pour waste into rivers, lakes and oceans. We use larger nets and bigger boats to catch 33 numbers of fish. Activities like these affect plants and animals. They 34 affect things like the soil and water. Sometimes our actions make the number of a 35 plant or animal get larger. For example, if you planted roses in your yard, there would be more roses in your area. Our activities can also 36 to a smaller number of plants and animals. If a park were turned into an apartment building, what would happen to the plants and animals there Well, they would 37 die or move to other 38 . There would be fewer plants and animals. Pollution and other activities sometimes cause the num
[填空题]Elderly people realize the importance of flexibility and muscle strength because they find out that the simplest task such as moving chairs sometimes can be difficult to perform.


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