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发布时间:2024-02-23 18:30:50

[单项选择]They had a far better yield than any other farm miles away around this year.( )
A. goods
B. soil
C. climate
D. harvest

更多"They had a far better yield than an"的相关试题:


Moving far more quickly than many had thought likely or possible, lawmakers in the 10-member House-Senate committee announced the agreement after less than 24 hours of negotiations. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Like any negotiation, this involved give and take, and if you don’t mind my saying so that is an understatement."
The agreement drops the total to $789 billion, while both Senate and House-passed measures exceeded $800 billion. A combination of low and middle income tax cuts, malting up about 35 percent of the bill, and domestic spending, its supporters say it meets President Barack Obama’s goal of creating or saving as many as 4 million jobs.
Susan Collins of Maine was among only 3 moderate Senate Republicans who joined the Democratic majority there. She says money trimmed from the bill reflects an effort to focus it more sharply to help the economy. "It is a fiscally-responsible number that reflects our efforts to truly f
A. stimulus for the economy
B. reform of the legal system
C. funding for the educational system
D. expenditure on the national defence

[填空题]better than any other

[单项选择]Technically, any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a drug. Many people mistakenly believe the term drug refers only to some sort of medicine or an illegal chemical taken by drug addicts. They don’’t realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs. This is why the more neutral term substance is now used by many physicians and psychologists. The phrase" substance abuse" is often used instead of" drug abuse" to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.   We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves. When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substance become misuses First of all ,most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisonin
A. uncontrolled consumption of them over long periods of time
B. exclusive use of them for social purposes
C. quantitative application of them to the treatment of diseases
D. careless employment of them for unpleasant symptoms


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