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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:26:13

[简答题]________ (无论我们碰到什么问题), we’’ll help one another to overcome them.

更多"________ (无论我们碰到什么问题), we’’ll help "的相关试题:

[填空题]_____________________ (无论我们碰到什么问题), we’ll help one another to overcome them.
[填空题]________________________(无论遇到什么困难), we’ll help one another to overcome them.
[简答题]__________ (无论什么困难) we may come across, we’ll help one another to overcome them.
[单项选择]I could not help telling you how pleased we are when we remember those beautiful and comfortable days in your exciting city()
A. 一想起在你们那个令人兴奋的城市里度过的美好舒心的时光,我就忍不住要向你诉说我们是如何得到了快乐。
B. 当我们记起在你们那个令人兴奋的城市里度过的美好的日子,我总是禁不住要向你诉说我们是何等的愉快。
C. 每每回想起在你们那个令人兴奋的城市里度过的舒适美好的日子,我总是情不自禁地要告诉你我们是多么的开心。
D. 我无法帮你说出我们高兴的程度,那时我们记住了在你们那个令人兴奋的城市里度过的美好舒适的日子。
[单项选择]We need one hundred more signatures before we take the () to the governor.
A. plea
B. petition
C. patent
D. claim
Passage One
For three decades we’ve heard endlessly about the virtues of aerobic(increasing oxygen consumption)exercise. Medical authorities have praised running and jumping as the key to good health, and millions of Americans have taken to the treadmill(踏车) to reap the rewards. But the story is changing. Everyone from the American Heart Association to the surgeon general’s office has recently embraced strength training as a complement to aerobics. And as weight lifting has gone mainstream, so has the once obscure practice known as "Super Slow" training. Enthusiasts claim that by pumping iron at a snail’s pace-making each "rep" (repeat) last 14 seconds instead of the usual seven you can safely place extraordinary demands on your muscles, and call forth an extraordinary response. Slow lifting may not be the only exercise you need, as some advocat
A. has been misunderstood for decades
B. has been widely accepted recently
C. has been the basis of weight lifting
D. has become the nucleus of aerobics
[单项选择]()the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.
A. Besides
B. Regardless of
C. But for
D. Despite
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us. So we asked our friends ______ ______.

No one knows exactly why we sleep. But scientists have learned a lot about how we sleep. From sleep experiments, scientists have learned that there are four different stages of sleep.
When you first fall asleep, your heart starts to beat more slowly and your breathing slows down. If something wakes you, you might not think that you had been asleep. Some people call this kind of sleep dozing. Scientists call it stage one sleep.
Next, if you are not awakened, you drift into a deeper sleep. Your pulse and breathing become even slower than they were during stage one sleep. But you can still be awakened quite easily. If you take a cat nap, you probably will not get any further than this stage of sleep, which is called stage two.
If you sleep longer than about twenty minutes, you go into the third stage of sleep. Your body is very relaxed. It would take a loud noise to wake you up.
You have probably heard of people who walk in their sleep. No one knows w
A. Reason’s for People’s Sleep
B. Four Stages of Sleep
C. Reasons for Sleepwalking
D. A Sleep Experiment

No one knows exactly why we laugh or why anything that is funny should cause us to make such a peculiar noise. It would be just as logical to stick our thumbs in our ears and wiggle our fingers as it is to giggle or bellow or howl with laughter. But when something strikes our "funny bone", our diaphragm flutters up and down, and we laugh.
66. ______
Stories are among the most popular forms of humor. As a rule, a story is considered inferior if it embarrassed someone, if it makes something sacred appear common, if it makes a person’s weakness the cause for laughter, if it has to have vulgarity to be funny, or if everyone cannot join in the enjoyment of the joke.
People enjoy very much the various situations of humor.
If a man meets a lady on the street, tips his hat to her, and a pigeon flies out from beneath it, most of the people who see it would roar with laughter. This is called the humor of the unexpected happening.


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