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发布时间:2024-07-31 03:11:15

[填空题]The film reminded him __________________(在巴黎看到的情况).

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[填空题]The film reminded him __________________(在巴黎看到的情况).

[单项选择]"I was going to see the film, but he reminded me of seeing it before." The sentence means that( ).
A. he reminded me to see the film, and I would go to see it.
B. I was about to see the film, but he reminded me that I had seen it before.
C. I wouldn’t remember to see the film if he didn’t remind me.
D. I forget that I have seen the film before if he didn’t remind me.
[填空题]We called him, wrote to him, and e-mailed him, but he did not (act) ______ for quite some time.
[单项选择]What fails him
A. He can’t find good subjects to photograph.
B. His indoor shots are too dark.
C. His pictures are often blurry.
D. His camera is too old for good detail.
[填空题]John ran up to him and helped him to stand up.
______ up to him, John helped him to stand up.

[单项选择]Jack’s aunt gave him her will, asking him to make it public when she died; he promised to do so. After her death, Jack looked at the will: it stipulated that all her money go to her friend George. Jack knew that if he made the will public, George would squander the money, benefiting neither George nor anyone else. Jack also knew that if he did not make the will public, the money would go to his own mother, who would use it to benefit herself and others, harming no one. After reflection, he decided not to make the will public.
Which one of the following principles, if valid, would require Jack to act as he did in the situation described
A. Duties to family members take priority over duties to people who are not family members.
B. Violating a promise is impermissible whenever doing so would become known by others.
C. One must choose an alternative that benefits some and harms no one over an alternative that harms some and benefits no one.
D. When faced with alternatives it is obligatory to choose whichever one will benefit the greatest number of people.
E. (E) A promise becomes nonbinding when the person to whom the promise was made is no longer living.
[单项选择]I spoke to him kindly ______ him.
A. not to frighten
B. so as not to frighten
C. in order to not frighten
D. for not frightening
[填空题]If you had spoken to him last time you saw him, you()(know) what to do now.
[单项选择]A. Let him win a tennis game.
B. Help him finish his history project.
C. Give him some medicine for his stomach.
D. Lend him her history book.
[简答题]Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.
[单项选择]()him tomorrow
A. Why not to call on
B. Why don’t call on
C. Why not calling on
D. Why not call on
[单项选择]Who went with him


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