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发布时间:2024-02-02 20:18:36


M: I’ve been waiting all week for this concert—the Philharmonic’s supposed to be excellent. And with our student discount, the ticket should be really cheap.
W: Uh, oh... I’m afraid I left my student ID in my other purse.

What does the woman imply ()
A. She didn’t bring the tickets.
B. She doesn’t want to attend the concert.
C. She forgot her money.
D. She won’t be able to get the student discount.

更多"[听力原文] M: I’ve been waiting"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Man: I’ve been waiting all week for this concert. The performance is said to be excellent and with a student discount, the tickets will be really cheap.
Woman: Ah-huh. I’m afraid I left my student ID card in the dorm.
Question: What does the woman imply( ).
A. She wants to borrow the man’s student ID card.
B. The tickets are less expensive than she expected.
C. She won’t be able to get any discount for the ticket.
D. The performance turned out to be disappointing.

I’ve lived in Hexham all my life. As a matter of fact, I was born in this house. People never used to move away from their hometown. They were born in place, and they lived there until they died. My husband died ten years ago. We had seventy wonderful years together. We were very much alike. Both of us loved a good conversation. People used to talk to each other more in the past. Now they watch TV. Yes, 1 have lived-- for a hundred years. As for my secret of long life, well; I laugh a lot. Laughing is very important. I get a lot of exercise, too. I’ve always enjoyed .,’ports. I have always-- liked swimming. In fact, I still swim every day at the high school pool, and I have started running a little with my grandson.

When did the woman’s husband die
He died()
[单项选择]Like flowers that have been waiting all winter to blossom, tourists are eager to burst forth with their cameras.
A. survive
B. breeze
C. bloom
D. revive

M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week
W: Of course.Though it’s not so beautiful,it’s very cheap.

Why did the woman buy the bed()
A. It is beautiful.
B. It is cheap.
C. The woman likes it very much.
D. It is of high quality.

M: You’ve certainly been reading that one page for a long time now.
W: Well, I’m being tested on it tomorrow.

What does the woman imply ()
A. She’s reading a very long book.
B. The man is mistaken.
C. She needs to read the page carefully.
D. She’s working on a long assignment.

M: You’ve bought only 15 oranges
W: No, I bought 20 in all. But when I got home, I found five were bad.

How many oranges were good ()
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was as large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation. "A new play is coming to ’The Globe7 soon," I said. "Will you be seeing it" "No," she answered. "Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year" I asked. "No," she answered. "Will you be staying in England" I asked. "No," she answered. In despair; I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner. "Young man," she answered, "if you ate more and talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!"

Whom did the hostess ask me to sit next to
I sit next to()

M: What’ve you been doing these past two years
W: Has it really been that long How lime flies!

What is their relationship()
A. Strangers.
B. She is interviewing for a job.
C. Old friends.
D. She has been flying for two years.

M: I’ve just brought your ladder back. Thanks for lending it to me. Where shall I leave it
W: Just lean it against the wall here. Use the ladder again any time.
Q: What is the probable relationship between these two speakers()

A. Relatives.
B. Neighbors.
C. Colleagues.
D. Roommates.


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