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发布时间:2024-01-18 03:42:07

Preparing for More Expensive Degrees in England

A.Balancing a tight budget is one of the most difficult aspects of being a student. A recent survey from the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers found that money issues are the most critical concerns for young researchers in Europe, ahead of working conditions, training, and supervision.
B.Starting in 2012, money is likely to become an even more important concern for students as universities in England are allowed to charge undergraduates up to £9000 per year in tuition fees as a way of dealing with government funding cuts. That’s a nearly threefold increase from the current fees, which are capped at £3375.
C.The funding cuts are set to affect postgraduate education, too, with most English universities expected to increase postgraduate tuition to cover any remaining shortfall. Just how severe the changes will be for postgraduates is uncertain, but m

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Preparing for More Expensive Degrees in England

A.Balancing a tight budget is one of the most difficult aspects of being a student. A recent survey from the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers found that money issues are the most critical concerns for young researchers in Europe, ahead of working conditions, training, and supervision.
B.Starting in 2012, money is likely to become an even more important concern for students as universities in England are allowed to charge undergraduates up to £9000 per year in tuition fees as a way of dealing with government funding cuts. That’s a nearly threefold increase from the current fees, which are capped at £3375.
C.The funding cuts are set to affect postgraduate education, too, with most English universities expected to increase postgraduate tuition to cover any remaining shortfall. Just how severe the changes will be for postgraduates is uncertain, but m
[单项选择]As gas is getting more and more expensive, many people are ( ) public transportation.
A. looking for
B. setting up
C. turning to
D. changing into
[单项选择] More than 200 organizations are preparing to bring their teams of robots to RoboCup 2003 next month in Padua, Italy, an event where researchers test out the latest artificial intelligence techniques in games of football or rescue simulations. Event organizers said last week that 183 teams from around the world, mostly from universities, have registered for rescue simulation competitions and various leagues of foot ball, while another 80 groups are to show off robots aimed at children. The event is expecting more than 50,000 visitors. While RoboCup has its lighter side, it is one of the most prominent events in the world for both artificial-intelligence researchers and for companies such as Honda and Sony wishing to show off their latest robotics technology. In recent years, advances in robotics and computer technology have led to renewed interest in robots. Several companies have produced humanoid robots capable of walking on two legs, even up stairs or across uneven surface
A. RoboCup
B. Sony’’s Aibo dog
C. a rise in public awareness
D. technological advances


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