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发布时间:2024-05-23 22:17:10

[单项选择]I, who can wage war successfully with the largest beasts, should ______ myself from this spider, the most inconsiderable of insects.
A. fade
B. vanish
C. disappear
D. perish

更多"I, who can wage war successfully wi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]People who love music, who can lose themselves in a book, or who can spend hours painting a picture of a mountain, know the deep satisfaction that can be found in art. It is not easy to express this satisfaction in words. But, in some partly mysterious (神秘的) way, works of art are among the things of highest value in our lives.What is the main idea of the text
[A] Music has a power to catch all our attention.
[B] Art of high values can improve us as human beings.
[C] It’s difficult to express our satisfaction from works of art.
[D] Simple entertainment is easy to understand and can give us pleasure.
[填空题]Who can enter the competitions.
Who can tolerate pain much longer
A. People who are listening to an informative tape.
B. People who are listening to light music.
C. People who are listening to something funny.
D. People who are listening to no tape at all.
[单项选择]Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders. This explains why criminals who commit lucrative crimes like embezzlement or insider trading are more successful at avoiding conviction than are street criminals.
The explanation offered above would be more persuasive if which one of the following were true
A. Many street crimes, such as drug dealing, are extremely lucrative and those committing them can afford expensive private lawyers.
B. Most prosecutors are not competent to handle cases involving highly technical financial evidence and have more success in prosecuting cases of robbery or simple assault.
C. The number of criminals convicted of street crimes is far greater than the number of criminals convicted of embezzlement or insider trading.
D. The percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes of which they are accused is no greater for publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.
E. (E) Juries, out of sympathy for the victims of crimes, are much more likely to convict defendants accused of violent crimes than they are to convict defendants accused of "victimless" crimes or crimes against property.
[填空题]Can you tell me who can best _____ the problems
[单项选择]—Who can reach the book on the top shelf
—Jack can. He is ______ boy of us all.
A. taller
B. a tall
C. the tallest
[单项选择]Competent students are those who can see the application of a theory or a concept to a specific () example.
A. empirical
B. academic
C. instinctive
D. impulsive
Child Life Insurance

Who Can Benefit
If your child is a six-figure-earning Hollywood star or an heir(ess) (继承人) that is set to inherit (继承) a large house, then a child insurance policy should be the first thing for your consideration: Purchasing an appropriate insurance policy (such as a whole life policy) will protect your child and also have some cash value set aside for future use.
If you are worried that your child will be threatened by a medical or underlying (潜在的 ) genetic condition in the future, then getting a child life insurance policy now may also be a good solution. Some policies will guarantee future insurability (可保性) when the kids grow into adulthood, even if they are unable to get normal life insurance due to health- related problems. While any parent hates to think of something happening to their kids, taking care of business before disaster strikes is sometimes necessary. Policy Types
A. The child suffers an incurable disease.
B. The child is injured.
C. The child grows up.
D. The child can’t live a normal life.


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